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Pixie Cut
Emma Watson and Michelle Williams really brought the pixie cut back this year. The boy-inspired cut, first made famous by 1960’s fashion model Twiggy, has been popping up all over Hollywood, most recently sported by actress Anne Hathaway.

This look is certainly not for the faint of heart, especially if you’ve never experimented with short hair before. If you’re considering trying out a pixie cut, go to your local salon and find out what kind of cut would best work for your face shape. Round faces should try looks with heavier bangs and fuller crowns to add length like Ginnifer Goodwin. Oval faces can go a little more extreme a la Emma Watson while heart-shaped faces or those with prominent jaws should stick to looks that offer a bit more versatility and length like Carey Mulligan.

Whatever the look, remember anything you see in a magazine or on the silver screen can be adaptable to your own look. What’s really important to remember is hair trends are always changing and to make sure you’re trying out looks that work for you particular features and not just ones that seem to be the latest fad.