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“MIR has been blessed to have some of the most noted names in fashion design support its endeavors over the years, including: Dominican native Oscar de la Renta, Carolina Herrera, Bagley Mischka, Angel Sanchez, Sylvia Tcherassi, Francesca Miranda, Carlos Miele, & ESCADA,” explained Anna Alba, a representative of MIR.

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The guests dined on an exclusive dinner catered by The Beach Club by Le Cirque in New York, while sipping on drinks provided by Bacardi, also a sponsor.

The benefit took place at Casa de Campo, a tropical, luxury resort located on the eastern region of the Dominican Republic. Casa de Campo has been a choice vacation spot for many of the world’s elite including Beyoncè, Elizabeth Taylor, Sammy Sosa, former presidents Bill Clinton, George Bush, and George W. Bush, to name a few.

For more information on MIR, visit www.fundacionmir.org.