Doctor’s Orders: Dr. Ashish Sangal of CTCA Phoenix

We’ve asked some of our favorite docs around town for their weekly grocery list to make sure we’re stocking our fridge and pantry the same way as the healthcare pros. Today, Dr. Ashish Sangal, Medical Director of Lung Center, Medical Director of Medical Oncology and Medical Oncologist of CTCA Phoenix, shares his grocery-list staples.

Berries. Great source of vitamin C, fiber and range of antioxidants. Choosing organic is preferred as recommended by the Environmental Working Group’s list of the Dirty Dozen shopper’s guide.

Broccoli. This source is packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and bioactive ingredients like indoles, which may be protective against cancer, along with enzymes which are associated with estrogen metabolism.  

Spinach. High in carotenoids, this food source not only provides vitamins but other minerals as well like calcium, which may be supportive of bone health as well as antioxidants for helping fight infection.

Quinoa. Known as an ancient seed, this source offers a gluten-free source of protein and high in fiber which may be supportive in weight loss.

Wild salmon. A source abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, known for anti-inflammatory support and may support better brain health.

Ground flaxseeds. These power-packed seeds provide an excellent combination of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and lignans which have been associated with reducing breast tumor growth/spread, and benefiting heart health and blood pressure.

Avocados. Not all fats are created equal, and we want more fats to come from plant sources like avocados, which offer a range of nutrients including monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that may be supportive in weight management, heart disease and skin health.

Greek yogurt/non-dairy alternative. These probiotic-packed sources support digestion and offer active cultures of bacteria to help support the immune system.

Ginger. A source well known for its impact for anti-inflammatory benefits on the whole body including muscles and joints. Try it spiced or as a “knob” sliced into in a smoothie.

Turmeric. When paired with black pepper, this source can deliver strong anti-inflammation effects, that may be beneficial for your GI tract and more including arthritic joints.

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