Evelyn Ayrapetova

Name: Evelyn Ayrapetova


Age: 23

Title: Entrepreneur/Freelance Model/Digital Marketing Specialist

Married/Single: Single

Kids: None

City you live in: Scottsdale

A typical day in my life includes…

Monday through Friday I love waking up early, journaling, drinking coffee, reading, and then a fasted workout Scottsdale BODI, eat, work, eat, sleep! I travel most weekends.

I was born…

on May 26, 1995 (a Gemini, hehe). Spent half my life in San Francisco and half in Scottsdale!

My favorite thing about Arizona…

is that it enables me to live my life to the fullest! We have the most beautiful hikes, hours from ski resorts, wine tasting destinations, so many lakes to go tubing/wake boarding, plus amazing shopping in Scottsdale!

I’m listening to…

Lost & Found album by Jorja Smith on REPEAT!

My family…

is Armenian and  loud! I am the first person in my family to be born in the United States and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the culture and life lessons my family has passed on to me.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Kanye West, he is so confident and I am obsessed with it!

One thing I cannot live without…

hand sanitizer…I am a germaphobe!

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

an orthopedic surgeon.

I’m inspired by…

books, podcasts and my mom.

The one person who motivates me is…  

The whole Scottsdale BODI squad! Everybody comes in everyday ready to kick some butt and it pushes me to my limits!

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

forcing people to get outside of their comfort zone after high school/college and traveling to different countries! It is sooooo important to see the different cultures we have in this world. Traveling has opened my eyes and has made me appreciate what we have here in the US. It is also so fun to meet so many new people, even if there is a language barrier, it just makes it more fun!

The perfect day would be…

getting shit done! No better feeling than crossing off things on your to do list.

My first job was…

a hostess at Grimaldi’s in Scottsdale Quarter. Worked there for years, established an amazing relationship with the corporate team and became a trainer for all new employees!

My favorite escape…

booking a plane ticket and enjoying a city I have never been to.

My life…

is nonstop. My brain is flooded with new ideas everyday, but its what keeps me going!

I’m currently working on…

getting my personal training certification and creating a protein powder!


follow your dreams. Sometimes it will feel scary and you don’t know where to begin. Take those risks, you will never know what you are capable of until you try. If it doesn’t work, get back up, and try again. Trust the process, it won’t come over night.


let anybody tell you you are not worthy. Cut those toxic people out of your life, don’t ever let anybody get in your way! Never let anybody tell you you are too old or it’s too late or you are too behind pursuing your goals. “People over 55 are twice as likely as people under 35 to launch a high growth start up”.

Favorite Quote…

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten” – Tony Robbins.

Biggest Dream…

is to never work for anybody ever again. Be able to create a business that I am in love with.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

when someone interrupts others conversations, smacks their gum, and people who judge others.

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