Trendsetter to Know: Lory Parson of To Have + To Host

Name: Lory Parson




Age: 48

Title: Content Creator, Founder of To Have + To Host

Married/Single: Married

Kids: 3

City you live in: Phoenix

A typical day in my life includes…

an early start – usually around 5:00am (a new puppy doesn’t help), getting kids off to school, maybe a quick workout if I’m lucky, a load of laundry, answering emails, a phone conference or meeting with my marketing director, volunteering at one of kids’ schools, drafting blog posts, checking social media, another load of laundry, editing photos, reviewing creative briefs, gathering items for my next shoot, setting the table (I do a different one about 3-4 times a week), making dinner and sitting down with my family, glass of wine in hand!

I was born…

in Phoenix at St. Joseph’s Hospital in the same room as both my sisters. My mom is a stickler for tradition!

My favorite thing about Arizona…

is the fact that we can entertain outdoors during the Winter and Spring. Being a third-generation Arizonan, I’m very proud of our state and it’s unbelievable beauty.

I’m listening to…

music: Hotel Poolside station on Amazon. Podcast: Jenna Kutcher of Goal Digger.

My family…

is the reason I am able to do what I love. They have been incredibly supportive, especially my husband. My son has even named his fantasy football team after my blog, which is kind of a joke, but I think it’s really funny. He’s winning his league, by the way.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

my closest friends and family. Tuesday night is Grandma Dinner Night, our moms come over for dinner and we reconnect, three generations over the dinner table. Weekends are usually spent entertaining friends, we love cooking dinner and spending time with friends at home.

One thing I cannot live without…

linen napkins. It’s such a small luxury, but life’s too short to use paper.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

a doctor. I actually became a PA, and practiced for 17 years until I stopped to focus on my business, To Have + To Host.

I’m inspired by…

my mom, Carolyn. She is the most creative person I know and dotes on her family, her friends and always takes care of everyone, expecting nothing in return.

The one person who motivates me is…

anyone who says they’ve been inspired to entertain because of something I’ve done or posted. There’s no greater motivation than knowing your passion has sparked someone to try something new.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

ending hunger. It’s so sad to think that people, children especially, in our own community go hungry every day. 

The perfect day would be…

enjoying my coffee outside, heading to the farmer’s market to pick out local produce and bread for dinner, selecting the catch of the day from Chula Seafood, watching football, setting a fabulous table with beautiful dinnerware, opening up some great wine, cooking dinner and entertaining friends for the night.

My first job was…

babysitting kids in my neighborhood. I made $1 an hour, no matter how many kids. One family had 5 kids, so the parents would go to dinner and I got paid $3 – what a bargain!

My favorite escape…

Napa Valley. My husband and I go there at least once a year. The food, the wine, the people, the landscape and the architecture – it’s definitely my happy place.

My life…

will change drastically next year as two of our three kids leave for college. I’m dreading the fact that they will be gone, but at the same time, I’m so excited for them to start this new chapter of their lives.

I’m currently working on…

ideas for Spring entertaining on my blog. I have to be about 4-5 months ahead of the current season.


drink the good stuff first.


let anyone tell you you’re not good enough.

Favorite Quote…

“Go forth and set the world on fire.” ― St. Ignatius Loyola

Biggest Dream…

to design my own collection of entertaining goods.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

inefficient dishwasher loading. I’m constantly nagging my kids on the importance of maximizing space and not overcrowding the first silverware bin because they’re too lazy to load from the back first!

More about Lory…

wife, mom, amateur cook, lover of entertaining, and owner of too many napkins – founder of To Have + To Host, a blog dedicated to bringing back the art of entertaining. I’m a content creator for brands and companies focused on entertaining and I love inspiring others who are looking for tips and inspiration on how to make hosting easy and fun.

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