Erik Velasquez

Name: Erik Velasquez





Title: Senior Account Executive @ PUBLICpr – Influencer/Photographer/Videographer

Married/Single: Taken

Kids: Do 2 french bulldogs count?

City you live in: Phoenix, AZ

A typical day in my life includes…

wake up, walk dogs, editing, “crossfit,” editing, editing, editing. And don’t forget to mix in plenty of Mexican food throughout the day.

I was born…

in The City of Angels – Los Angeles, CA.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

the beautiful weather during any season besides summer.

I’m listening to…

the new ZHU EP…it’s only 4 songs but they’re SO GOOD!!

My family…

is unlike any other.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Kobe Bryant.

One thing I cannot live without…

cherry Chapstick.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

the owner of a MCDonald’s.

I’m inspired by…

other people who do what I do and are great at it.

The one person who motivates me is…

my boyfriend motivates me everyday to be the best version of me and I can’t thank him enough for it.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

the fact that they don’t sell tacos at movie theaters.

The perfect day would be…

waking up with my BF and frenchies at a beach front hotel. Eating all my meals on the beach. Laying on the beach in between meals. And finally watching a new X-men movie before going out to dance the night away.

My first job was…

at Pretzelmaker in Victorville, CA. Yes, you read that correctly.

My favorite escape…

just driving around listening to music as loud as my car will let me.

My life…

is not what I thought it would be 10 years ago.

I’m currently working on…

figuring out who I forgot to buy Christmas presents for.


do what you what you love and give it all you got.


take a job just for the money.

Favorite Quote…

more like a phrase than a quote. “Kalepa Ta Kala” is a Greek phrase that I learned in college that has stuck with me ever since. It translates to “Nothing Without Labor.”

Biggest Dream…

to jump on a private jet with my man and frenchies and not have to set a date to come back.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

other people’s dirty dishes. Just burn them. The dishes, not the people.

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