Trendsetter to Know: Maddi Morris of Arizona Charcuterie

Name: Maddi Morris

Facebook: Madison Morris

Instagram: arizonacharcuterie

Website: (not charcuterie related) 

Charcuterie website coming very soon!

Age: 22

Title: Charcuterie and Lash Expert

Married/Single: Newly Married!

Kids: Not yet!

City you live in: Scottsdale

A typical day in my life includes… I’m a full-time lash artist by day! I own Light Heart Lash Co. right here in Scottsdale! I spend my days making people feel beautiful!

I was born… in Anchorage, Alaska! 

My favorite thing about Arizona… EVERYTHING! Living in Alaska for the last 10 years, I’ve become grateful for the little things like days by the pool and year-round sunsets! On our first date we talked about living here one day, and we finally made it happen!

I’m listening to… the Lumineers probably.  

My family… are the most incredible group of people I know. We sailed around the world growing up on a 50-foot catamaran! My parents gave me a magical childhood. They are the most adventurous, giving, special people I know and I am so grateful for them. 

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… My husband Elliott, for sure. Preferably he’d cook. 

One thing I cannot live without… lashes!

When I was younger, I wanted to be… a makeup artist! Which did happen! I’m a licensed makeup artist and esthetician! As a little girl, I’d crush up shells on the beach to make eyeshadow and give my friends makeovers.

I’m inspired by… Jesus 🙂 

The one person who motivates me is… My husband is so motivating. He’s always coming up with the best ideas to grow my business. My biggest advice would be to never stop learning and stay inspired by the little things.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be… I wish people knew how loved they are. 

The perfect day would be… I’m a simple gal! Brunch and church with my girlfriends sound like my perfect day. 

My first job was… a shoe saleswoman!

My favorite escape… traveling! I’ve been lucky enough to travel to over 20 countries in my short life! Nothing feels more freeing than exploring new places and meeting new people. 

My life… has been a series of great adventures!

I’m currently working on… creating fun custom charcuterie orders!

Always… be kind!

Never… take life for granted. Everyday is a gift!

Favorite Quote… “Bloom wherever you’re planted.”

Biggest Dream… My biggest dream would be to buy a huge building to open a creative collective of beauty businesses including my lash studio! I would love it to have a flower shop and coffee bar too. A beautiful safe haven where creatives can create and clients can spend an afternoon getting pampered. I’d call it Light Heart Collective!

More About Maddi Morris:
Hey friends! My name is Maddi Morris! I just opened my dream little side business, Arizona Charcuterie Company! I am obsessed with hosting beautiful parties and intimate gatherings and I love creating stunning charcuterie boards for the special moments in people’s lives! I’ve been creating beautiful food art for my friends and family for years and wanted to share my passion with others. Food is a beautiful way to love people!

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