Trendsetter to Know: Dr. Sachin Narain, The Pain Center

Name: Sachin Narain, MD, D.ABA

Twitter: @thepaincenter

Facebook: @ThePainCenter

Instagram: @thepaincenteraz

TikTok:  @thepaincenteraz


Title: MD

Married/Single: Married

Kids: Two

City you live in:  Phoenix, AZ

A typical day in my life includes… I wake up around 4-4:30 to exercise or get some work done.  My goal is to help as many patients as I can during the work day.  After work, I enjoy taking the kids to their activities in the afternoon.

I was born… in Chicago

My favorite thing about Arizona… the colors of the sunsets here are very unique compared to any other place I’ve been.

I’m listening to… NBA Radio in the car every morning.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would (have been) … Kobe Bryant (RIP)

One thing I cannot live without… spinach

When I was younger, I wanted to be… An astronaut.

I’m inspired by… my wife.  She inspires me to be better every single day.

The one person who motivates me is… my partner and mentor, Dr. Steven Siwek.  Seeing his drive to continually offer new treatments and technologies to our patients motivates me to keep learning and growing in my field as well. 

If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to make education at all levels free and fair (in terms of access) to all kids, everywhere. 

The perfect day would be… a day with zero spam phone calls!

My favorite escape… Hawaii

My life… is good! It’s important to be thankful and appreciate all the good in the world around us.

I’m currently working on… making time to exercise regularly

Always… remember to say thank you.

Never… forget the road, the journey and the people it took to get to the success you’ve built.

Favorite Quote… I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come.  – Michael Jordan

Biggest Dream… To retire to a house by the water with big windows showing the sun setting over the ocean.

My Pet Peeve(s)… running late.

Bio-on yourself/company: I originally grew up in Southern California, but have been living in Arizona off and on since 2016. Now putting roots here, I’m an Interventional Pain Specialist, working out of the East Valley (Gilbert, Chandler, AZ). Been working in this field for about 8-9 years now and we have now shifted to using various minimally invasive surgical treatments for chronic back pain.  Due to innovation in this space, there are a lot of structural, mechanical treatments we can now offer as opposed to in yesteryear when we could only do things like steroid injections. There are other treatments available for pain coming from other parts of the body also, beyond the spine.

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