Trainer Q&A: What’s The Best Way to Get a 6 Pack?

Abs don’t have to be elusive, not with these tested and true tips…
Stop making excuses - and gym mistakes - and start getting abs like these!
Stop making excuses – and gym mistakes – and start getting abs like these!

Ah, that elusive 6 pack! We all want abs of steel, but most of us aren’t doing the right things in the gym or in the kitchen to carve out our midsection (myself included). So I went to Matt Bialy, Core Concepts Personal Trainer at Mountainside Fitness Mesa for the six-pack solution.

Matt got into the exercise game to help people: “Through fitness, I figured if I could help someone not only get physically fit, but also improve self confidence and overall well-being at the same time, I would be changing lives in a positive direction,” explains Matt. Here, the 30-year-old Certified Personal Trainer helps us finally get the stomach we want.

Trainer Q&A: Matt Bialy, Core Concepts Personal Trainer at Mountainside Fitness Mesa

Q: What’s the most effective way to get a 6-pack?

Abs don't have to be elusive, not with these tested and true tips...
Abs don’t have to be elusive, not with these tested and true tips…

A: Ok, let’s face it: We live in Arizona where we have 300+ days of sun per year, which means year-round swimsuit season. But many of us are afraid of shedding the cover up or tank top because we’re lacking in the “ab department.” Well, fear no more!

Six-packs and flat bellies, more technically known to us trainers as a well defined rectus abdominis, are what most of us strive for – and usually fall short. You can do crunches until you’re blue in the face, but unless you have all the aspects of obtaining a tight midsection in order, you can kiss those washboard abs goodbye!

First and foremost, you need a strong core. This means not only having a strong rectus abdominis, but also strong internal and external obliques, and a strong transverse abdominis. Standard crunches can help, but implementing other forms of exercise such as yoga, kettle bell exercises, and TRX training can have a huge impact on whether or not you’re going to be the one at the pool with the 6-pack, or the person drinking one!

Yes, yoga can help bring out your abs!
Yes, yoga can help bring out your abs!

Second of all is cardio. You can have the strongest abs in the world, but you aren’t going to see them with a layer of subcutaneous fat tissue on top. Subcutaneous fat is the fatty tissue that lies directly beneath the skin. You need to step your cardio game up if you want to burn the fat that’s hiding your abs! Aerobic training, running, and even our spin classes can burn those calories needed to shed that unwanted layer of fat!

Kettle bells can also be a midsections's best friend
Kettle bells can also be a midsections’s best friend

Last and definitely not least is nutrition. Probably the most overlooked part of any training regimen is proper nutrition. “Fad diets” and “magic pills” are shoved in our face through magazines and social media sites daily. More often than not, these diets and claims of an instant 6-pack are complete baloney. It’s as simple as this: if you’re taking in more calories than you’re burning, you’re never going to shed those last few pounds of flab to show off those abs! Keeping a log or journal of what you’re eating can really help keep the calories in check.

Getting a 6 pack is possible – it just takes some TLC! So get in the gym, kick some butt, and maybe think twice the next time you reach for that donut! Or just come see me at Mountainside Core Concepts in Mesa. I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season!

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