Hot Body Secrets: Drew Reichmann

Drew Reichmann reveals his hot body secrets

Growing up, Drew competed in everything, whether it was football, basketball, baseball or speed skating. But when injuries took their toll both physically and mentally, he decided it was time to stop pursuing playing on the next level and just focus on taking care of his body. That led him to a degree in Exercise Science and becoming a Core Concepts Personal Trainer at Mountainside Fitness. Here, the 22-year-old reveals his hot body secrets, from how much water you should be drinking each day to how to tame those trouble spots…

How to find a workout you love… Finding a workout you love can keep you motivated for the long haul. Talk with a trainer or fitness professional and we’ll be more than happy to point you in the right direction. It’s our job to help people reach their goals, whether you’re a paid client, a regular at the gym or someone who is brand new to the fitness world.

How to eat healthy…Eating healthy is all about being consistent and planning. Taking the time to prep your own meals, snacks and beverages will keep you from relying on something quick and easy from a not-so-healthy source.

Drew Reichmann

How to avoid overeating… Eat often and stay hydrated! Instead of your conventional 2-3 meals per day, try to break that down to 5-7 small meals or snacks per day. And because your brain can confuse thirst for hunger, always carry a water bottle. In this very dry, desert climate you should try to consume well over half of your body weight (lbs.) in ounces of water a day.

How to tame trouble spots…. Even if you feel like you hold more weight in certain areas, or struggle building muscle in certain spots, continue to take a holistic approach. Work every muscle group consistently, make sure your technique is correct and know what muscle groups are affected with each exercise you do. Any questions… Ask a trainer!

How to stay motivated… Set REALISTIC short-term and long-term goals. For example: 1 month, 3 month, 6 month, 1 year, etc. Write these goals down, and put them in a place you’ll see them every day, like your bathroom mirror, refrigerator door, or on top of your gym duffle bag you take to work.

Drew Reichmann


  1. i personally trained with Drew for many months, and he is a great trainer!! A mom of two in my mid 30’S I questioned many times if i would ever be able to shed the weigh i so desperately needed to loose. In 6 months i was able to loose over 65 pounds while training with him. His work out style is unlike others, and i am grateful for his patience!

  2. I live almost 2,000 miles away from Drew. So physically training with him was not an option for me. He sent me a fitness plan and a food list via email to help prepare me for my wedding. The fitness plan was easy to read & continued to challenge me. He checked in with me often & kept me motivated to fit work outs into my inconsistent and busy schedule. I feel that I can call or text him for support at anytime if I’m feeling like I’m getting off track. He truly cares about my success & helping me reach my goals & gets excited to be a part of someone’s decision to make lifestyle changes. Initially, I didn’t have much weight to lose, but so far I’ve lost 12lbs & increased my muscle tone. I know I will feel confident walking out of my final dress fitting later next month.

    1. Very impressive! Sounds like I need Drew to whip me into shape too! And very impressive that you’re able to keep motivated long distance

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