Know YOURSELF Better

“Fear comes from uncertainty; we can eliminate the fear within us when we know ourselves better”—

One thing I know is you cannot solve problems with the same thinking you used when we created them. I truly believe that. Knowing us better… what does that mean? Well, for one thing I am NOT the same person I was when I started writing in 2010, sort of this co dependent, wallowing in my self pity of a girl feeling like the world was against me when something didn’t go my way. I also, at that time was caught up in “it” all. “It” being the competition world. Placing Top 4 in the world at one point but STILL not good enough, not content, not “knowing myself”. I was also in my 20’s during this time frame and I feel like there is an amount of “uncertainty” that accompanies this age.


Evolve. This is what I have done since my very first blog in late 2010. I remember exactly what I was going through at that moment when I released the blog post with Muscle and Fitness hers….which was written out of anger. Emotion, I mean raw emotion and feeling allows us to really tap into ourselves and what comes out is relatable, transparent, and honest. Sometimes we must go through a storm, so that it clears our head into our reality. Well, my reality was a cheating fiancé and co dependent relationship that left me broken and “wallowing in my self pity”.

After writing that blog I slowly started feeling better. Putting my thoughts into words helped me heal, but it also helped many others as well. That is the MOMENT I truly began being honest with myself. As I have evolved I also have realized that life is going to hurt but it is meant to be felt….you can’t touch the sky from inside yourself, you can’t fly till you break the shell. My shell was finally forgiving and harnessing my power that was in me all along.


I won’t go into the situation I faced with my, then life, because we have all gone through something painful but what I will tell you is that I am grateful for it. It has allowed me to know what it feels like to forgive, accept, pull myself out of bed, battle my “am I good enough” demons and continue to live this amazing and wonderful life.


Choice. We are all faced with choices in life. Different paths placed in front of us. Your life could turn so quickly with one little choice that could be the most life changing. Knowing yourself better…for me it was selling my, then, business and allowing a necessary chapter to close so that the new one could open. Was it hard? Yes, but one of the best decisions I ever made because it unlocked the path to my destiny. Also, rekindled my passion for helping others. Before selling my business I was lost for about a year….could not find myself, didn’t know myself, my soul was clouded. Evolving, for me, are ALL the choices I have made, no matter how hard, to be happy. That is the awesome thing about life…is that it goes on.

This leads me to the NOW and back to FEAR. Fear leads to uncertainty. We can eliminate fear when we know ourselves better. DO NOT be uncertain anymore. Know YOURSELF. I still battle my own set of issues, fear, uncertainties, doubts….why…because I am not perfect. I have been through so much disappointment to finally understand, that there is no such thing as perfect.

So today I am living in these moments of self-preservation. Not re-living the past and so so hopeful for the future. I have been feeling this sort of pain lately….trying to break an all too familiar cycle and I have had to look beyond the clouds to find the strength. Well the SUN has risen for me this week! You see whenever I am down I immediately feel alone but what I realized this last week is that the light in my life are all of those that I have inspired and have actually taken the time to tell me and express how I have changed their life. The light is also my friends and family close to me that brings me up when I am down….no motives or personal gain except to show they truly care. I am going to make it….the night can only last so long….the sun ALWAYS RISES!


So I close to say…we are all simply doing the best that we can and we all have a choice to truly be alive, this is YOUR life.


YOUR life to: take control over your actions, reach your goals, face what you are afraid of, be a good human being and live with passion.


I know I am…how about YOU?


Thank you for reading!

Felicia Romero



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