FGI Health & Beauty Event & Vintage by Misty Shopping Party This Thursday!

Somehow this week I seem to have a ton of invites to various events around town. Thursday in particular is a very social day with soiree’s planned in almost every corner of the metro area. So the question is how to decide where to go when you want to be in four places at once?

Do I feed my mind and mingle with some of the areas most noted fashion biz crowd…or do I finally fill my summer wardrobe with some vintage originals…the truth is I want to do both… but if I do that means that I will also be missing out on a fabulous CRAVE party on the same evening.
If only events these events were staggered…say 4-6, 6-9 and 9:00-midnight…but alas… somehow I need a clone!

In case you are not familiar, CRAVE Phoenix will be launching soon. And the best way I can describe it is… what if you had a great resource book filled with handpicked local businesses who are tops in the area? And even better…. This book is all about girl power (sorry guys) yes, CRAVE is all about supporting fem-prenesses. I have to admit I myself jumped on the bandwagon as soon as I saw what an amazing network of businesses these dynamic CRAVE ladies are. You can find everything from GoodyTwo’s Toffee, to Chick Car Shopping, to furniture and art to Rocking Couture to awesome photographers and on and on. With over one hundred businesses, trust me you will want to own this book! The CRAVE Phoenix book will be available very soon for more info CRAVE

And the lovely ladies of FGI are having an exciting panel discussion at their monthly meeting this week

What: FGI Health and Beauty
Hear from their expert beauty panel how beauty products and our health are linked, plus the latest innovations in skincare and how they can work for us

Christine Sandoval from Saks Fifth Avenue will moderate
Liz Bishop – Lilly B Skincare
Dr Julia Files – Mayo Clinic
Helena Newell – aesthetician Silverleaf Golf Club & Spa

When: This Thursday June 16 6:00-8:30 pm
Networking from 6:00-7:00
Panel Discussion begins at 7:00

Where: Montelucia Resort & Spa
4949 E Lincoln Dr Scottsdale

Cost: $35 Members $45 Non Members $30 Students – You admission price includes food and drink and helps support FGI charitable causes.

RSVP fgibeautyinsideandout.eventbrite.com or email fgiarizona@gmail.com

Or if you are in the mood to shop, stop by Vintage by Misty in central Phoenix for Summer in the City Shopping Party to fill your vintage cravings!

Summer is here and we want to shop!!! Vintage by Misty has the best staple pieces for Summer in the City Wardrobe..(which ever City that is for you!) Fresh tunes will be playing by the Oh-so Fabulous Kim E Fresh….while mingling with some of the hippest people in Phoenix!!!

Vintage By Misty is where it’s at on June 16th make sure not to miss out and mark your agendas..4pm VBM!

Vintage By Misty
818 N Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ

When : Thursday June 16 4:00-8:00pm

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