Dr. Siegal’s New Springtime Piña Colada Diet Shake

Last Saturday marked the start of spring, which means hot and sunny days are upon us. Stay cool while also staying thin for that in-season bikini with Dr. Siegal of the Cookie Diet’s new piña colada hunger-controlling diet shake – a guilt-free alternative to your typical fattening frozen drink by the pool!

Dr. Siegal wants us girls to shake that fat away with this new concoction that is made with protein and, believe it or not, no sugar! Not even Slim Fasts can compete with that. Dr. Siegal’s Cookie Diet Hunger-Controlling Diet Shake Mixes contain milk, eggs, soy and non-vegetable protein. The cookie doctor recommends replacing two meals with three of his new shakes and eating a sensible low calorie dinner. Easy enough when you’re on the sun bathing by the pool all day!

Dr. Siegal’s Piña Colada shake mix offers a cool, refreshing alternative to his cookies and contain the same hunger-controlling amino acid protein blend. Just mix with water and ice, and in 60-seconds you can enjoy a refreshing treat to cool off in the sun.

This healthy sweet treat for spring/summer also comes in chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and Crème Brule.

About Dr. Siegal of the Cookie Diet: It would seem that most people would jump to try a diet that consists of cookies. But after 35-years and more than 500,000 dieters, people are more attracted to the results.

Renowned physician, author, and weight-loss expert, Sanford Siegal, D.O., M.D., created the diet in 1975. The Cookie Diet is even used by hundreds of other doctors to help their own patients lose weight.

“Let’s face it: there’s only one-way to burn fat and it doesn’t involve magic or miracles. You must take in fewer calories than you need to maintain your weight. But that’s easier said than done when hunger strikes.”

How do the cookies help suppress hunger? Dr. Siegal’s foods contain his proprietary amino acid mixture that results from the blending of various protein food substances. They satisfy hunger without drugs and help you stick to a reduced-calorie diet. To this day, Dr. Siegal personally mixes every batch of his protein formula with his own hands in his private bakery in Miami.

For more information on Dr. Siegal and his diets, visit www.cookiediet.com.

  1. So numerous people think protein shakes are great for weight loss, so they drink them all day without removing other meals items. Then they just end up using a huge caloric intake and inevitably they gain fat as a result.

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