Name: Samantha Ingram
Instagram: @samantha_ingram_az
Age: 27
Marriage/single: Engaged
Kids: none yet
City: Chandler, Az
A typical day in my life… starts with being woken up early by my kitties and fiancé. After I spent some time with them I get ready for my job at Vios Optimized Men’s Health & Wellness where I get to help patients reach their best self.
After work, I get to come home to an amazing meal made by my fiancé. I usually wrap up my evening by studying for school and watching a scary movie, my favorite kind!
I was born in… Salt Lake City, Utah in 1994. By the time I turned 5 my family moved to Phoenix, AZ.
My favorite thing about Arizona… is all the amazing hiking trails! Especially in The Superstition Mountains.
You can typically catch me listening to… Lady Gaga, but I am a lover of all music so it could be something very random!
My family… I have a pretty big family, I have 3 brothers and one sister, but I am the baby of the group. My mom, most of my siblings, and their families all live here in Arizona. My dad, his wife, my brother, and his wife all live in Utah.
If I could have dinner with anyone it would be… Hugh Jackman hands down. I’ve had a crush on him since I saw the movie Van Helsing in elementary school.
One thing I can’t live without… is cheese. I literally don’t go a day without eating it!
When I was younger I wanted to be… a fashion model, looks like I’m achieving that!
I’m inspired by… others achieving goals I want to execute myself.
I’m motivated by many people… My fiancé and family motivate me because they can shuffle so many things in life at once and still make it look easy. I’m still working on that!
If I could change anything in the world… it would be to normalize taking care of mental health without any pride involved. Many suffer internally because of pride or guilt.
The perfect day would be… my fiancé and I waking up early (and actually refreshed) and spending the day in nature whether it be in the mountains or by some water. Then to end the day, cuddling and listening to some records.
My first job was… working as an assistant teacher at a preschool.
My favorite escape is… The Superstition Mountains. I will never get over those trails!
My life… has had some major struggles growing up but I am grateful for that. Those hard times only made me realize how many great times there are in comparison.
I’m currently working on… getting my real estate license. I love and appreciate the architecture of our state.
Always… smile
Never… assume
My favorite quote is… “I hope you fall in love with being alive again.” -@butyoudontlooksickofficial
My biggest dream is… walking for Dolce and Gabbana has been my biggest dream since I can remember!
My pet peeves… So I have plenty of pet peeves but my two biggest ones are someone purposefully being rude and someone putting trash next to the trash can instead of just throwing it away.