Trendsetter to Know: Alejandro Graterol

Name: Alejandro “Jando” (like Honda), Graterol




Age: 21

Title: Model with FORD/Robert Black Agency and Arizona State University student

Married/Single: Single

Kids: None, woohoo!

City you live in: Tempe

A typical day in my life includes…

yoga in the morning, class during the day, and house music production at night.

I was born…

in Seattle, WA on February 27, 1998.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

the diversity of landscapes, beautiful weather, and happy people.

I’m listening to…

house music!! But also, ya gotta love Frank Ocean, Flume, and Bob Marley.

My family…

is awesome and so supportive of me. My mom, Sara and dad, Jose live in Seattle, WA and Bend, OR. My brother Diego lives in San Francisco and is 2 years older than me.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Frank Ocean for sure. He is so talented lyrically, musically, and vocally, and I would love to know what he’s like.

One thing I cannot live without…

nature trips.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

first an actor, then a sports agent, then a salesperson, and now a musician.

I’m inspired by…

struggling artists who are able to put up with the struggle in pursuit of their dreams.

The one person who motivates me is…

this is hard because I have countless inspirations in my life, each offering something unique that I have absorbed into my personality. If I had to choose, I would have to say a mix of my mom (hardworking, nurturing, and a genius) and my dad (selfless, sociable, and content).

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…


The perfect day would be…

waking up early and doing some yoga. Getting an oat milk matcha then going on a hike with friends and my dog. Afterwards we all get Chinese food and end the night with massages, champagne, and a hot tub.

My first job was…

at a batting cage as the front desk assistant.

My favorite escape…

I’m repetitive, but yoga.

My life…

is constantly evolving and that is the exactly what I want.

I’m currently working on…

exploring health and wellness through meditation, herbalism, and mindfulness.


remember to set goals, and reflect on those goals at various points in your life.


forget that it wasn’t just you that got you to where you’re at now.

Favorite Quote…

“Success in life = the people you meet + what you create together.”

Biggest Dream…

to make people happy by performing some fire house music on stage.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

when people step on my rug in my room with shoes on.

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