Trendsetter to Know: Chase Estrin of Adventurous Stills

Name: Chase Estrin




Age: 33

Title: Owner of Adventurous Stills

Married/Single: Single

Kids: 0

City you live in: Chandler

A typical day in my life includes…

craft coffee (very important!), work of some kind (I have a day job as an engineer on top of my work at the Distillery), exercise (running, rock climbing mostly), and some whiskey.

I was born…

in Houston, Texas!  After living through humid heat I’ll take the AZ heat any day!

My favorite thing about Arizona…

is the natural beauty. I love being able to hike and rock climb year-round and have taken to canyoneering.  Anyone who only stays in the Valley over weekends is missing the best part of the State!

I’m listening to…

the same music I did in high school: RX Bandits, Motion City Soundtrack, lots of angsty music.

My family…

includes my two rabbits. My immediate family all live out of state but I have a close group that is my transplant family.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

my brother! I don’t get to see him often enough.

One thing I cannot live without…

craft coffee. I roast my own coffee and always seek out a quality cup of coffee. When you taste the difference that a fresh cup of well-roasted coffee makes over stale coffee you’ll never go back.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

a fighter pilot. I am colorblind and found out that I couldn’t be a pilot so I decided to work in the aerospace sector so I could work on commercial spaceflight to bring down the cost of short trips so we can all witness what it’s like to be in space.

I’m inspired by…

hearing other’s stories. Everyone takes a different path to get to where they are.  Hearing what others have overcome makes what you’re going through not seem so foreign.

The one person who motivates me is…

there isn’t one person who motivates me, it’s all of the other entrepreneurs out there.  People have overcome some crazy circumstances and it helps hearing about them.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

making people care about the environment.  It’s very frustrating when you’re hiking or climbing and see trash on the trail or hear about dumping that occurs.  It sounds very cliché but it’s very easy for a few people to have access cut off for everyone.

The perfect day would be…

a day of outdoor climbing followed by dinner at Binkley’s.

My first job was…

working at a golf course in Houston when I was 15. My brother and I would have to leave at 5:15 in the morning to make it to the course by 6. When you’re 15, 5:15 may as well be 3 AM!

My favorite escape…

a weekend around West Clear Creek. The creek is brisk and looks like something you would see in California or Colorado, tall canyon walls and lush plants that make you forget where you are and help keep you in the moment.

My life…

is very dynamic. I am terrible at sitting still so I’m always working on some sort of project.

I’m currently working on…

setting up a website to sell rock climbing stickers.


assume good intentions.


let your ego get in the way of what’s right.

Favorite Quote…

“The answer is always no unless you ask.”

Biggest Dream…

retire from my day job at 45 and work a less-stressful, more worldly job.

My Pet Peeve(s)…

eating with your mouth open. I don’t want to see what you’re eating!

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