Name: Somone Wilder – but my family and friends call me Monie and that’s what you’ll see on my listing signs too.
Facebook: /moniewilder
Instagram: @moniewilder
Website: www.moniewilder.com
Age: 36
Title: REALTOR, founder of The Wilder Group, wife, mother, and HBIC are all things I identify as.
Married/Single: Married, 2nd time’s a charm *crosses fingers*
Kids: 2 kids – a 2 year old boy and a 4 month old girl
City you live in: Phoenix, AZ
A typical day in my life includes… Typically I arise to the screams of a 4 month old baby wanting to assert her dominance over me. After settling her down I drink coffee and journal my gratitude list for the day. I do a short meditation visualizing my perfect day/week/month/year/life, and then I spend time with my babies. After our nanny gets to the house I workout with my husband (run, sprints, lift weights, push a heavy sled, or do something on my Peloton Tread follow me @moniewilder btw).
After my workout I get into a day of REALTORing which may or may not include getting into physical fights over homes to win for my clients, sobbing gently to myself seeing a lack of inventory for sale on the MLS, breaking into the Running Man when my listings sell for record prices, meeting with clients for strategy meetings and to learn about their goals, writing contracts, solving any problems that arise with said contracts, and delivering gifts and keys to my clients. The part about the sobbing is me being dramatic, the part about the physical fights… I’ll let you decide.
I was born… to be wild(er).
My favorite thing about Arizona… The HEAT and that I have lived here my whole life. I am a major homebody so I cannot imagine nor do I have a desire to make any other place home. Central Phoenix has my whole heart.
I’m listening to… Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey and Revelation by Russell Brand – both FANTASTIC
My family… is sooooo good looking.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Oprah the GOAT yassss! If you want to talk about how you can live life with absolutely NO LIMITS she is hard to beat.
One thing I cannot live without… nothing. However, I would have a difficult time continuing to choose to live without either of my children.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a farmer or a witch doctor. Why? Because I was a weird as fuck kid and watched a lot of Beverly Hillbillies.
The one person who motivates me is… me.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…. I would raise the collective awareness and self-love of humans so that we can connect better with each other and our planet. This sounds corny as fuck I know however I believe every single ill we face in society is because most of us operate at a low level of self-love and awareness which causes us to hate others and abuse our resources.
The perfect day would be… to me, perfection is a feeling not a particular set of activities. It’s a day where I feel empowered, joyful, and full of piss and vinegar in a good way. Where everything is going my way simply because I’m in a state of flow with the universe and decided that the day would be mine and mine alone. That’s my perfect day.
My first job was… I cleaned off workout equipment at the gym I had a membership at – Naturally Women Fitness Centers – who remembers this place by Metrocenter? Recall the rotund little brown girl cleaning off equipment and eating free protein bars like a starved raccoon – look at me now! Same situation with protein bars because some things never change. This job led to me becoming a personal trainer at 16 and starting my first of many businesses. Thank you to Joann Mullooly for giving me that first job and paying for my PT certificate. I appreciate you believing in me even when I was just a kid.
My favorite escape… TikTok shamefully actually not shamefully IT IS GLORIOUS!
My life… is happening right now. Every moment I have the opportunity to create my life in exactly the way I want it to be. My life is a gift, a work in progress, and every day is becoming more of an expression of self-love and empowerment.
I’m currently working on… myself – a life long project. Everything else is just a reflection of how I am doing with ME <3
Always… thoroughly cook chicken before consuming… trust me.
Never… let another person change how you feel about yourself (for better or worse)
Biggest Dream… to live my perfect self expression.
My Pet Peeve(s)… when a seller doesn’t accept my client’s offer. Extremely RUDE.
More About Somone Wilder:
My team (The Wilder Group) and I help people improve their lives through homeownership. When I first became a REALTOR my primary client base was first-time buyers, most of which are the first to own homes in their families for generations. These buyers have very low experience with how to manage money, keep their credit up, and save for a down payment therefore I take a lot of time educating and helping my clients execute plans to position themselves as successful buyers. One of my favorite parts of my job is to help my clients see a bigger picture when deciding what and when to purchase – helping them see that if they do this correctly they can build life-changing wealth for themselves and their families. My aim is to rewrite stories of generational poverty through the facilitation of purchases and sales.
The changes I see my clients make after purchasing are so incredibly inspiring and holistic. Successfully purchasing when no one else in their family has, owning something that can grow wealth for them, managing a budget for the first time, and having pride in ownership changes people on a DNA level. I am really proud to do the work that I do.