Name: Pooja Mehta
Facebook: Makiaj Beauty
Instagram: @poojahimovich
Website: makiaj.com
Age: 37
Title: Founder and CEO
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 2 boys
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes…pushing the limits and living outside of my comfort zone. I believe in being intentional about what I add to my plate to focus pushing the limits to find my maximum growth points…mind, body, spirit. I’m also a mother, business owner, ballroom dancer and avid workout enthusiast.
I was born…11/11 and yes that makes me a Scorpio with a power birthday.
My favorite thing about Arizona…my favorite and least favorite thing about Arizona is the heat.
I’m listening to…whatever makes me want to get up and move.
My family…feels like home.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…a moment alone in a romantic place with the intention of connecting with myself.
One thing I cannot live without…CONCEALER
When I was younger, I wanted to be…exactly where I am today. I’ve honestly always wanted to be a makeup artist and despite of what everyone else thought about it as a career I still pursued my passion and dream of being a makeup artist
I’m inspired by…anyone who pushes past their limiting beliefs about themselves.
The one person who motivates me is…ME. I’ve realized that the person I can always rely on to push me outside of my comfort zone and motivate me to go after what I want is me
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… for all women to embrace and accept who they are.It’s painful to watch women want to be someone other than themselves.I want every woman to have the experience of fully accepting who they are.
The perfect day would be…include exercising, meditation, cold plunging, having a deep conversation with my kids or a special moment with my children. It also includes expressing myself through dance, inspiring those around me as a thought leader at Makiaj and ending the day with a quiet moment with my husband to share our dreams and the things we want.
My first job was…Bagging groceries.
My favorite escape…in a deep meditative state.
My life…is beautiful, an ever-evolving journey with ups and downs that I’ve learned to embrace.
I’m currently working on…a new season of growth with my company Makiaj. This includes enhancing our brand, the creation of new products, finding new opportunities to grow and promote our brand worldwide.
Always…realize that your highest potential is going to require you to level up. The beauty is always on the other side of the things you feel you CAN’T do.
Never…let others decide your worth. You decide your worth, you put up your boundaries, you make those decisions for yourself. Never let others do that for you.
Favorite Quote… “Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.” ― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Biggest Dream…never stop dreaming. I want to always have new ideas and dreams and never be afraid to go after them.
My Pet Peeve(s)…When people make excuses
Bio-on yourself/company: I am the Owner and Founder of Makiaj which was established in 2010. My company focuses on growth, artistry, and authenticity. We are always striving to be the best version of ourselves. I lead my company by cultivating the value of inclusivity. I believe that beauty is diverse and pride myself on having a vast range of knowledge about various complexions. I was professionally trained in Paris, France at the world-renowned beauty and fashion school J.P. Fleurimon. I’ve had the pleasure of bringing my expertise back to the U.S. and have built a successful business with over 30 artists. Our work has been internationally recognized.