Trendsetter to Know: Jonathan Brooks of Business Warrior

Name: Jonathan Brooks

Twitter: @jbrookswarrior




Age: 35

Title: President

Married/Single: Married

Kids: Two dogs, one named Olive and one named Booker. Outside of my wife, they are the love of my life!

City you live in: Phoenix

A typical day in my life includes…

  • Waking up at 5:30 a.m, drinking my coffee and getting a workout in. The workouts help ground my day and energize me. 
  • I’ll then review emails from any subscribers and touch base with my leadership on their day ahead to ensure roadblocks are removed to achieve weekly goals successfully.
  • I will typically run on 2-3 cups of coffee/day and love Press coffee! 
  • I block out my day in a way that best supports the business
    • East coast team members in the morning
    • Sales progress and support by 9 a.m.
    • Financial and Public Company related in the mid-morning
    • Product related in the afternoon
    • Marketing and PR I reserve concentrated time to be 100% present. Given these departments are more creative in nature, I allow for space that will promote creative thinking to drive results.
  • I’ll typically start shutting down around 6pm and spend time with my wife while taking the dogs on a walk. My wife and I commit to, at minimum, three walks per week where we “Detech”. Detech is critical for freeing up thoughts and recentering. 

I was born… in Wichita, Kansas

My favorite thing about Arizona…the people and availability to get to an ocean in two hours. I’m a natural water baby and feel best around the ocean but I also refuse to pay CA taxes so I’m happy surrounded by what I consider a melting pot of the best people on earth.

I’m listening to…Chill from Sirius Radio because I need to remind myself to chill 

My family…lives in the Midwest and they think I’m crazy for my “west coast lifestyle” – eating healthy, working out and being social! I love my family as they taught me my core values of hard work, honesty and to do the right thing.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…Henry Ford

  • He is the ultimate creator of the 20th century given how his mindset produced an assembly line level of output the world had never seen before. I would love to hear about how his grit allowed him to become the legend he became. 

One thing I cannot live without…The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – it’s life changing and simple to read. It takes daily practice.

When I was younger, I wanted to be… President or the Pope, so I’m a version of one of those.

I’m inspired by…as human beings we literally create our own destiny from ideas in our head. We have limitless power and possibilities. We just need to stop telling ourselves “we can’t”

The one person who motivates me is…my wife 

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…the collision course of climate change – it’s going to destroy us 

The perfect day would be…

  • I love  the water so I would take a swim and have coffee by the water
  • I would work on my business because that’s what I love, helping not the business itself but the people who do business with us and for us. Small business owners are the lifeblood of America and it drives me to solve their problems
  • I would get a great exercise or hike in
  • Eat a steak and drink a glass of wine with my family

My first job was…I hung lights at a local lighting company in Wichita Kansas at age 14. 

My favorite escape…the ocean 

My life…

  • Has had 3 versions:
    • Growing up and wanting to do the right thing and leave a lasting legacy
    • When I grew up but acted and worked for other people, and honestly I learned a lot about what I didn’t want to be
    • Who I am now – I am a transparent, honest, and focused person who has clarity on how to move my life forward along with leading my team to the best versions of themselves.

I’m currently working on… 

  • Fostering a collaborative and highly talented team in Business Warrior to support small businesses growth efforts all over the nation!


  • I always focus on understanding different perspectives and ways of thinking. When you have a team of powerful people, it’s important to uncover all strengths and abilities, and this happens by being open to active listening.


  • Assume what the other person is thinking, just being present allows for the space to get agreement vs. argument

Favorite Quote…

  • Ryan Holiday: the obstacle in the path becomes the path

Biggest Dream…

  • Contribute to solving climate crisis in a meaningful way

My Pet Peeve(s)…

  • Tardiness 
  • Lack of accountability
  • Telling yourself you aren’t good enough
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