Jen Rogers

Name: Jen Rogers





Age: 39

Title: Co-Founder, Brand Architect, Lifestyle & Entertainment Publicist at Hudson West

Married/Single: married

Kids: one 6-year-old daughter

City you live in: Scottsdale

A typical day in my life includes…

waking up early for a workout at Modern Yoga or The J. Then heading home to get my daughter ready for her day, making lunch, and see everyone out the door. Then it’s basically a heads down sprint through the day filled with pitching, client calls, brainstorming and brand building with my business partner Lori Jung.

I was born…

in the Garden State.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

the laid-back feel. There is little to no road rage, which is a huge and welcome change from the East coast.

I’m listening to…

the sound of my air conditioner – it’s Arizona! Though I do try to drown it out with any current alt rock, Foo Fighters or Weezer.

My family…

is the best.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Dave Grohl, Brittany Spears and Steve Martin.

One thing I cannot live without…

eyebrow pencil.

When I was younger, I wanted to be…

the person sitting in the corner office. I had no idea what I wanted to do, but I knew that was the destination.

I’m inspired by…

seeing others do good in the world. My friend Anjleen Gumer always goes above and beyond for people in need. Her passion and generosity have been a true motivator in my life.

The one person who motivates me is…

my partner Lori Jung. She is the ying to my yang. While I’m the “organized” one, she is always able to see the bigger picture and come up with creative ideas that take our campaigns to the next level. Her passion and enthusiasm for PR keeps me motivated and her positivity and overall easy going style makes it both fun and rewarding to work together.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

to make sure every child has a loving home and never feels an ounce of hurt or heartbreak.

The perfect day would be…

laying on an exotic beach, with no phone and a good book.

My first job was…

as a lifeguarding and giving swim lessons to kids. I basically look for any excuse to be outside in the sun. Another reason I love Arizona so much.

My favorite escape…

Enchantment Resort in Sedona. It’s heaven on earth, and one of the few places I feel completely at peace.

My life…

is blessed. I am grateful on a daily basis to have be brought up by loving parents, surrounded by supportive friends and family, and to have found supportive, smart and handsome husband to share my life with. When I moved to Arizona, 7 months pregnant, I found my two best friends within a couple of months, and one of them turned out to be my business partner!

I’m currently working on…

about 6 client accounts. We always have an extremely diverse client roster – currently we’re working with a Hollywood television production company, a DC-based non-profit bringing attention to the criminal justice reform issues here in the Valley, and a junk food crave-reducing lip moisturizer, to name a few.


be grateful and think about what you can do to make the world a better place.


be negative. Negativity can seep its way into everything when you let it.

Favorite Quote…

“I do not regret the things I’ve done, but those I did not do.” – Lucas, Empire Records

My Pet Peeve(s)…

people spelling my name with two “N’s”. It’s Jen with one “N.”


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