Name: Aaron Bare
Twitter: @aaronbare
Instagram: @aaronbare
Website: http://www.aaronbare.com
Age: 47
Title: Author, “Exponential Theory”
Married/Single: Single
Kids: 2 (Bali, 13 and Maverick, 7)
City you live in: Scottsdale, Arizona
My life… pre-COVID was two weeks here in Arizona and two weeks somewhere, now a typical day in my life includes early morning calls to clients in Europe, working out at F45, recovering from my F45 workout at Restore and getting coffee with my friends at the LGO, the Henry, or Hava Java where I connect with new people every day. Then I head back home for some writing, reading, and a few Zoom calls with clients for my foundation, the Herozona Foundation, Namaste Republic, Delivery Kitchens, and/or my consulting practice Exponential Theory. I do a lot of speaking, facilitating and workshops that keep me busy throughout the day.
I was born… in Fort Wayne, Indiana
My favorite thing about Arizona is… always coming home to blue skies and sending screenshots of my weather app to my Indiana friends I grew up with in December.
I’m listening to… Surfaces, Jack Johnson, or something my daughter is listening to. So, yeah, I know a lot of Ariana Grande songs. In the rare instance I get the aux cord, I like to listen to podcasts that teach me something new, or songs that I grew up with! I also often find myself taking a course, watching a TED Talk, or listening to an Audiobook (Greenlight! By Matthew McConaughey was the latest. Alright, alright, alright! Greenlight!)
My family… all live in Arizona, so it’s nice to have support with the kids and weekly dinners with the grandparents.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Elon Musk. As someone who I’ve written a lot about and who leverages exponential technologies with his exponential mindset, I could get a lot out of that conversation.
One thing I cannot live without… is travel – I’m a wanderlust. I’ve traveled to all 50 States, Guam, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and over 90 countries. Even here, locally, I try to see brand new places every week. New restaurants, experiences, hikes, people, etc.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… an architect and recently got to design a community center that my foundation is developing and a model delivery kitchen (which we hope to bring to a neighborhood near you by offering up to eight kitchens for delicious delivery).
I’m inspired by… the underdog. Growing up one of my English teachers told me I’d never amount to anything, so I wrote a book and included her in the dedications, because she motivated me more than she ever thought possible.
The people who motivate me the most… are my daughter Bali and son Maverick; they are the future and I want to make the world better for them. I know we can do better. Bali brings a smile everywhere, is a giver, and even last year, she won Top Elf on Nickelodeon competing against 1,000’s of kids, check it out on Netflix. She donated $25,000 to the Miracle League of Arizona. The baseball league that my son Maverick plays for. Maverick was born with a rare genetic disorder called Leigh’s Disease yet continues to overcome against all odds. He too has a positive attitude and at the age he still wants to be like me when he grows up. My biggest role in life will always be father.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… people’s mindset. My book covers the exponential mindset which is the fusion of thinking big, positive attitude, and growth mindset. If we change this in 3% of people, we solve all the world’s problems. To think is to create, this is what my book challenges the reader.
The perfect day would be…. sailing in San Diego with some friends and family, where I don’t get cell reception. I have my life set up where all the work I need to do can be done on my phone, and it’s important that I take time away from my phone. Airplane mode is not just for airplanes.
My first job was a… stockbroker, and I fancy myself somewhat of a day trader with my own investment portfolio. I’m now a big investor in crypto-currency and can see technology trends clearly from all the research I’ve done on the space over the last 15 years. The future is bright.
My favorite escape…. is Bali, Indonesia – Ubud and the beaches. I’ve been 3 times, and it is a world away… literally. By airplane, I don’t think there is anywhere further away. Once there, I feel my energy build back up from the drain of a constantly always on world. The people, food, temples, jungle, beaches and resorts are all incredible.
My life… is just getting started. Every day I find a new peak I can climb to, figuratively. Depending on how my back feels I’ll seek out new peaks to climb in the literal sense! Yet, the future is exponential, and I hope to share that with as many people as possible.
I’m currently working on… myself and developing my own exponential mindset to be in the best mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially for myself, my kids, my family and as a role model to clients.
Always… give good energy to others. You never know how it might turn their day around. My company Namaste Republic has helped me be very mindful and enjoy the moments.
Never…. underestimate people. Give a goal, the resources, and step out of the way.
Favorite Quote... – “no problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.” – Voltaire
Biggest Dream…. is creating a million exponential thinkers through my book “Exponential Theory.”
My Pet Peeve(s…. is small thinking, which manifests itself in a lot of ways, particularly with the words “try” and “can’t.” I cringe whenever people say those words. I hope to help people commit to the future they want to create for themselves.
You can preorder my book, “Exponential Theory,” by visiting: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/exponential-theory-aaron-d-bare/1140148755?ean=9781631956676