Tweet this: Twitter can help you lose weight… or in Twitter talk: Twitter can help u #loseweight. In a recent study, dieters who used Twitter to read and post updates were more likely to lose weight. Not surprising: Tweeting out your goals can keep you accountable, plus reading daily fitness tweets keeps you motivated. So, I wanted to share with you my 3 fave local twitter feeds for fitness info and motivation…
Lucas James is a Scottsdale celebrity personal trainer, an all-round healthy lifestyle advocate and a twitter force! Expect 3+ tweets a day, full of must-read fit tips and gems of fitness wisdom (All of the pain that you go through today will be worth it tomorrow. Remember that nothing worth having comes easy!). Added bonus: he’s not too hard to look at!
Sample tweets…
“Once you lose your excuses, you will find your results”
“Fit tip: Plan ahead! Not having healthy options on hand (or in mind) makes it too easy to resort to fast food – especially when ur starving”

Kim Dolan Leto is a fitness competitor, writer, model, mom and Arizona gal with a heart of gold and buns of steel. She uses Twitter to connect with fans, post photos, shares articles, recipes and fitness inspiration. Her Twitter feed is kinda like potato chips: you can’t stop at just one tweet.
Sample tweets…
“I’ve felt weak before. Becoming strong made me a fighter. I refuse to give up on myself”
“What small step toward your fitness goal can you take today? Choose to take it! Small changes repeated overtime-equal long term success”

Mountainside Fitness isn’t only the largest locally owned health club chain in AZ, they’re a tweeting firestorm of fitness information. Instead of scrolling dozens of health and fitness websites yourself, @MtnsideFitness takes the best in fitness from all over the web for easy-to-click diet and workout motivation.
Sample tweets…
Mediterranean Dishes Under 400 Calories
3 Short Lunch-Hour Treadmill Workouts 30 Healthy Cooking Tips
7-Minute HIIT Workout Printable Poster
10 Greek Yogurt Recipes

And I don’t want to brag… okay I do because @AZFoothillsFit also rocks! You’ll find recipes, inspiration and plenty of fit links to keep you motivated. So what are you waiting for, join already!

What’s your favorite healthy Twitter? I’d love to hear from you
To learn more
Lucas James tells you how to get the body you want!
Tabata at Mountainside