6 Tips For Sexy Summer Skin

So you’ve been taking a dip in the pool every once in awhile, being adventurous with your girlfriends on early morning hikes, and slathering on sunscreen like a good beauty should. Unfortunately, all of your favorite summer activities (including sunscreen) can tend to dry out your skin.. and ashy, alligator legs is not the best look for the most skin-baring season.

Here are a few tips that will ensure you continue to enjoy your summer activities, but with smooth, supple, moisturized skin.

Take a quick shower after swimming. Chlorine is a major culprit in drying out the skin. Too much exposure to chlorine during the summer can even result in an itchy rash.

Speaking of showers, taking a shower that is too hot can also dry out your skin. Try taking a lukewarm shower instead. This might be hard for you steam lovers, but believe us the results are worth it.

According to the National Eczema Association, the best time to rub in your favorite moisturizers is within three minutes of taking a bath or shower. This will seal in the water and moisture making the skin less dry.

After you’ve gotten done with the rest of your body, don’t forget to moisturize your face. Your best friend will be a facial moisturizer that moisturizes and contains sunscreen.

Though we know that exfoliating has its place and time, if you are suffering from extra dry skin this summer, skip the beads and loofah and use a soft wash cloth or your hands to lather up.

Our last tip is the hardest to accomplish, that is, drinking enough water! The more water you drink the more soft and smooth your skin will be. If you are finding it hard to reach your eight glasses a day, try adding slices of cucumbers and oranges for a refreshing twist. Eating fruits and veggies high in water is also a good way for to get in a few extra ounces.

By Kristianne Young

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