Hot Body Secrets: Staci Rimbach

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Staci Rimbach, Assistant Manager at Mountainside Fitness Platinum

Staci Rimbach wasn’t born with this hot body, she worked hard for it. As a full-time student and the Assistant Manager at Mountainside Fitness Platinum, she juggles a 40-hour workweek with school and studying – but she always makes time to workout and eat healthy. Here, the 24-year-old CrossFit fanatic reveals her hot body secrets, and how planning ahead is key…

How to find a workout you love… I’ve tried a lot of different types of workouts – strength training, running, yoga – but there always seemed to be something missing. I’m a very competitive person, and I like to push the limits of what I think my body can do; whether running farther or faster, lifting heavier weights or challenging my flexibility, I always strive to be the best. One day a friend recommended I try CrossFit, and it was love at first burpee. It had everything I was looking for in a workout: It pushes me to my limits, I get to be competitive, and it has a culture of like-minded athletes.

One day a friend recommended I try CrossFit, and it was love at first burpee
“One day a friend recommended I try CrossFit, and it was love at first burpee”

How to eat healthy… Planning is the key to eating healthy. I eat between 5 to 6 meals a day, and like to eat as clean as possible: lots of vegetables and protein and I buy organic as much possible (no processed foods!). In order to eat this way, I have to plan out my meals ahead of time: I prep my foods for the week on Sundays and Wednesdays and put everything in to-go containers so I can grab my food and go. I also live by the 80/20 rule, meaning I try to eat healthy 80% of the time and not-so-healthy the other 20%. That’s not to say I binge eat 20% of meals; it means I allow myself a slice of pizza or maybe a burger, items not normally in my diet.

How to avoid overeating… Planning my meals ahead really helps (see above). And if I’m eating out, which I do on occasion, I just eat until I’m full and then stop even though there’s still food on my plate. I know this is easier said then done :).

How to tame trouble spots… Here’s the thing about trouble spots: Everyone has them no matter who you are or what your body looks like. There are 2 things I’ve learned when it comes to my own trouble spots: 1) By taking out wheat, diary and processed foods, I was able to lean out which helped tame some of my trouble spots and 2) I try and accept my body for what it is, to work a little harder on those trouble areas and appreciate the parts of my body that I do like.

How to stay motivated… Staying motivated is one of the hardest things to do with my schedule. Between school, studying and work, there isn’t a whole lot of extra time in the day. I have to plan my workouts into my day so they fit seamlessly into my schedule. On those days when I just don’t feel like going, I have to remind myself how much better I’ll feel after. Working out helps relieve my stress and provides energy for the rest of my day – 2 major motivators. Last but not least, I’ve made working out a habit; it’s part of my routine. If I skip a workout, I mentally and physically don’t feel like myself.

"Working out helps relieve my stress and provides energy for the rest of my day"
“Working out helps relieve my stress and provides energy for the rest of my day”
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