5 Faves with Candice Mathis of Collectively Candice


Name: Candice Mathis Tseng






Youtube coming soon!

Age: 31…so weird typing that

Occupation title: Lifestyle Blogger & Influencer

Fave #1: Kale

I truly love kale. I don’t know if I’ve tricked myself into this somehow because I know how good it is for me or what… but I love it and I can’t get enough of it. When I first started my blog it was solely focused on health and wellness and I called it Kale or Whale – it was a play on “killer whale”. Hahahah… That didn’t work out so well when I wanted to transition to a Lifestyle Blog. Things got weird and I had to change the name. Anyway, I also HATE baby kale. Ask my friends.

Freshly Washed Kale

Fave #2: a good bath & Lush Essential Oil bath bombs

I think taking a bath is like therapy. It’s self-maintenance. These bath bombs are for one, organic, which is VERY important, especially when it comes to bath products. Lush Essential Oils have a bath bomb for literally every ache and pain. There is truly nothing like a good bath with a good bath bomb.


Fave #3: my leather jacket

I feel like no matter what I wear I can throw my leather jacket on over it and feel like ME. I live in this old one from Barney’s that I got years ago. It has a hood. It’s the best.


Fave #4: Reformer Pilates

I discovered my love for Reformer Pilates last year. I had foot surgery back in 2014 and since then, working out has been a challenge. I used to love going to the gym and working out on my own. But I really had no clue what I was doing anymore. I had no balance, movements that I used to do would cause me pain and I was really feeling discouraged. With more time on my hands after quitting my job in Marketing back in San Francisco and moving to Arizona, I thought I would give it a try. I’m so glad I did. I finally got my flexibility and strength back and I’m able to workout without being in pain.

Atividade física para manter a saúde

Fave #5: Trader Joe’s Power Berries

Ugh. I hate that I love these — but I love these. I don’t dare read the back to see what artificial nonsense might be in them. Because that would basically ruin my life. I run a tight ship most of the time. So for now, I’m ok with a couple of weird ingredients every once in a while. This is me “living a little”. They are basically these dark chocolate covered candies. It SAYS they contain fruits. They might. But, I will never know. Anyway, they give me energy and make me happy at 3pm. I eat them before a late workout for a little extra boost. I also have a rule that they have to stay in my cabinet downstairs and if I want them, I have to walk downstairs to get a few.


Fast Favorites

Book: The Paris Wife & anything else related to Ernest Hemingway

Movie: Casablanca

TV Show: Currently, kind of, Homeland – I wish I had more time for TV.

Guilty Pleasure: After a LONG day I can really unwind with a good episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians but we decided to get rid of cable for a while. Otherwise, you can find me in the bathtub with wine, or if I’m being good, a cup of tea. J

Time of Day: I LOVE mornings. Waking up slowly, getting a good workout in, making breakfast and/or my favorite energy boosting shake.

Valley restaurant: I’m still currently eating my way through all the delicious food here. I’ve been very impressed with the foodie culture, especially on 12th and 7th streets. But my favorite restaurant so far is Second Story Liquor Bar. I can’t get enough of this place. The seasonal foods and delicious cocktails. Not to mention the super vibey restaurant itself. This place gets me. I also love Ingo’s Tasty Foods kale salad with crispy chicken. I eat it almost everyday.

Annual Local Event: Well, I’ve only been here one year so ask me next year!

Thing about Arizona: The ease of living. Maybe I appreciate this so much because I lived in the city for so long. But it’s so nice to to be able to park anywhere you want. I also love how easy it is to go for a good hike with views. It really is a beautiful place.


Collectively Candice is a lifestyle blog that focuses on affordable luxury, travel, fashion, beauty, and overall health and wellness…without a censor. Nothing overdone – just simple ways to live your best life. Eating well, traveling often, looking and feeling good. On CollectivelyCandice.com you will find delicious recipes for healthy food, comfort food, and cocktails. As well as a little fashion, lots of beauty product reviews, and a ton of health and wellness rituals.

Candice Mathis is from a small town in Missouri (close to Memphis, TN) and moved to the West Coast in 2010. She spent the last 6+ years in both LA and San Francisco moving to Arizona in the Fall of 2015 with her husband. Candice is a Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist since 2010, Licensed Cosmetologist since 2005, Makeup Specialist previously Chanel, currently a Marketing Student, Beauty Health Guru, Wife, Cooker of Healthy Comfort Foods, and Health Nut!



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