The Ultimate Leg Sculptor

I always tell my clients….lunges are the ultimate leg sculptor. Lunges, like the name implies, involve lunging forward on one foot as if you’re taking one large step. The exercises can be switched up by adding weights, changing the size of your stride or increasing your speed and number of reps. Lunges do offer several benefits that can help you meet your fitness goals if done right and with proper form and with summer around the corner who doesn’t want to improve those stems!


 Builds strong muscles

Lunges target many muscles in your abs, butt, thighs and hips. If you incorporate weights, you can help strengthen your arms, shoulders and chest. Because lunges use your body weight as the primary form of resistance, they’re especially good for exercise beginners who are not yet ready to begin weightlifting and other challenging forms of strength training.

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Improves Coordination

As you lunge forward, you must hold your position and then return to your starting position, making your muscles work together to coordinate movements. Lunges can help improve overall muscle coordination and help prevent the muscular imbalances that sometimes occur when people focus on training only one muscle or muscle group.

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Increased Flexibility

Lunges don’t just strengthen your muscles. They also help stretch them. Because lunges require several groups of muscles to work together, they can help increase your overall flexibility and range of motion rather than just increasing flexibility in one targeted area.

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Better Balance

The lunge builds upon movements you make every day — taking steps, leaning forward and bending. As you learn and practice lunging, your body gains better balance.This can help improve your balance in normal activities which, in turn, can help you avoid injuries and even improve your posture.

Things to Consider

Before taking on lunge varieties, such as lateral lunges and reverse lunges, learn to do the basic front lunge with proper form. Mastering proper form can provide better results and minimizes your risk of injuries. During front lunges, it’s essential that you lower straight down with your pelvis flexed forward and your back straight. Be sure that you step your foot far enough forward so that the middle of your front knee is directly above your ankle during the downward motion. Lower your hips until your knees are about 90 degrees bent and place your weight on the back two-thirds of your front foot during the exercise.


My Lunges AT HOME workout- CLICK HERE


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Thank you so much for reading!

Felicia Romero

RIP-Lulu my beloved chihuahua





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