Valley Girl’s Monthly Horoscope: June

by Leslie Hale,

What do the stars have in store this Summer? Leslie Hale, Psychic Astrologer at, is sharing all the need-to-know Astro news.

Our minds and thoughts will flow more freely during June as we are in the mutable astrological cycle of spring. This is when the weather changes into summer and new ideas and ways of looking at things can become the norm since we’re now in the season of Gemini. During June, the Sun transits through Gemini, and Venus remains retrograde in Gemini most of the month.

The North and South Nodes have moved from Cancer-Capricorn into Gemini-Sagittarius signaling a shift in the karmic fate of the collective, moving toward the ideals and reason of Gemini. During June, we will experience two of the three summer eclipses, Mercury enters Cancer and it also retrogrades, Mars enters Aries, the Sun enters Cancer and Neptune will retrograde. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, will conjunct Pluto once again. This is the second of three conjunctions this year bringing significant changes.

Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

June 5, the full moon falls at 15 degrees of Sagittarius and this is a lunar eclipse. This eclipse opposes Venus and squares Mars as well as Neptune creating angry and impulsive energy, prone to acting on false or incomplete information. Moon opposing Venus (retrograde) is not particularly positive for relationships, but solid relationships will withstand the eclipse and weak ones may end. This is compounded by Venus’s square to Mars on June 2, which can create friction between the sexes, jealousy, and in some cases a new interest in terms of relationships. The key to handling this energy lies in controlling your emotions, as opposed to random outbursts of anger and frustration. During this time, caution and awareness must be observed. As Venus becomes the morning star rising before the Sun and retrogrades, it becomes more of a ‘warring’ Venus as opposed to the gentle and loving planet most are accustomed to associating with Venus.

The moons square to Mars creates impatience and for some a lack of self-control. There may be a great deal of negative energy focused toward women and family relationships. The Moon’s square to Neptune creates confusion, delusion, and is prone to deception, self-deception, and lies. We could see adverse weather conditions involving water, and this eclipse can bring a danger of war or threats of war, skirmishes at sea, and accidents. Typically, the side that starts a potential war with Mars in Pisces ends up the loser. This is not positive overall for women and women’s issues. Conspiracy theories will be rampant at this time, as will propaganda and we could hear news of an increase in Covid-19 cases.

The Sun opposes the Moon as it does on any full moon and brings home, family, and emotional relationships into sharper focus. This can lead to conflict and draining of energy. It can, however, lead to a resetting of your emotions and releasing of negative energy that has built up over the past six months.

Moon-Neptune aspects can lead to creative inspiration along with compassion and humanity if you control the energy of its square to Mars, which can be channeled into work. It is likely we will also hear of news concerning religious-based groups, faith organizations, and extreme behavior.

North and South Nodes in Gemini-Sagittarius for the Next 18 Months

The North and South nodes are mathematical points used in astrology as opposed to planets but nevertheless play a large part in our karmic destiny. The North node is considered to be what we are moving toward, while the South Node shows us what we must release and do to awaken the higher energies of the North Node.

As the North Node is now in Gemini we will need to focus on new ideas, concepts, and patterns of thinking. Gemini-Sagittarius rule the 3rd– 9th house axis, which relates to thinking, education, worldview, foreign lands, and people as well as travel and we will be globally connected to these issues. Mercury is Gemini’s ruling planet and concerns information and reason as opposed to overblown distractions and conspiracy theories. Mercury represents learning, information, the written word, and the distribution of information, animals, young people, and children as well as education. A balance must, however, be reached between the North node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius. We could be held back from our goals by demanding others conform to our ideas, restlessness, over-optimism, over expansion, blowing things out of proportion, lack of ability to commit, impatience, strict dogma, radical ideologies and beliefs, and self-righteousness and self-importance. These are the qualities we will have to guard against over the next year and eight months to find a balance within ourselves and as a collective. We will be learning to embody the positive qualities of Sagittarius: optimism and true wisdom with the positive qualities of Gemini: reason knowledge and communication. 

The Sun Moves from Gemini to Cancer

Happy birthday Gemini as the Sun remains in your sign until June 20, when it enters Cancer. The Sun represents our basic drive and ego. While in Gemini, the energy is lighthearted, talkative, and social. As the Sun moves into Cancer where it will remain until July 22, we will become more focused on home and family. Cancer is the most sensitive and emotional sign of the zodiac, so energy will shift again. The United States is a Cancer nation born on July 4, 1776.

Mercury Turns Retrograde

Mercury turns stationary retrograde on June 18, at 14 degrees of Cancer joining Venus, Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in their respective retrogrades. Mercury is the most well known of the retrogrades because it moves so quickly and its effect is so obvious. It will not turn direct until July 12.

Mercury in Cancer will be very sensitive and emotional energy, which will be amplified when it retrogrades. We may be faced with issues regarding the home, family members, and our general level of personal happiness as Cancer is ruled by the Moon.

The most important periods of the retrograde are the stationary retrograde period June 18-22, and the stationary retrograde direct period when it turns direct and energy and options can change again July 12-15. It is during this time we can typically see and feel the obvious changes retrograde Mercury brings.

Mercury (retrograde) is the planet that causes delays, glitches, breakdowns in computers and equipment, relationships, slowdowns, and brings hidden factors to the surface. Plans can be put on hold, miscommunication can occur, relationships can end or change, and cars, computers, and other machinery can break down at the most inopportune moment. None of this will be helped by the fact Venus (another fast-moving planet) is also retrograde.

In the strictest sense of the word, the planet of communication does not actually go backward, it only appears to. When planets retrograde, their effects on humans are different than when in direct motion. Thinking is deeper, situations often appear to go underground for a time, or change altogether, and sometimes our focus shifts.

Mercury retrograde is a wild card. Sometimes, relationships can be fixed and problems brought out into the open if things worth saving. Prepare to be flexible. Mercury retrograde is often a frustrating time to be looking for a job. That does not mean however you should not take a job if you need one, but things could change on down the road.

This is not the time to get married, start a new business, start new projects or begin anything you hope will become permanent during these three weeks. Don’t purchase high-ticket items, important gifts, paint, or anything you expect to be there for a long time if you can avoid it. Retrograde Mercury is not the time to start new projects, but rather finish up the old, and redo, re-organize or re-work. Go against this advice and you may wish you hadn’t as something will not be satisfactory in the long run.

Retrograde Mercury is part of the natural cycle of life and it is not anything out of the ordinary as it happens 3 or 4 times a year. Retrograde Mercury is a time to slow down a bit, reflect, rethink, re-do, re-plan and reorganize and reconsider. It is a period of correction. Sometimes secrets are revealed, and a new truth comes out into the open. Retrograde Mercury is a time to plan, work on you, and delve into the spiritual side of life. Sometimes important contacts with people from our past can be initiated, and there is generally a focus on the past or past situations that can come back up to be resolved. All in all, retrograde Mercury is a period where we should reflect on our current state, and plan rather than initiate new ventures.

June’s Solar Eclipse in Cancer

The second of the summer eclipses falls on June 21, and is a new moon or solar eclipse at 0 degrees of Cancer. Solar eclipses are indicative of new beginnings and lunar eclipses are sometimes about endings. This eclipse is in a Cardinal sign, which pushes things forward and hits the world point associated with situations that affect us collectively. Solar eclipses re-occur in the same sign and degree every 19 years and the last time an eclipse at this degree occurred was June 21, 2001.

Eclipses are like wildcards that frequently reveal previously unknown information. Almost always something new is revealed and it can be a turning point in many ways. Eclipses can bring positive as well as negative events to the forefront.

Cancer is about home, family and the emotions. Cancer rules the 4th/10th house axis, which deals with our basic foundation, business, family and home and it is in these areas most of us will be focused.

The upside of the eclipse is it can be a positive time for a change and to let go of things that have outlived their usefulness. You can let go of bad habits and make a change in your life at this time or you could transform something completely.

Cancer is a patriotic sign and associated with home, the homeland and is clannish in nature. Some families and groups may be pulled together to accomplish something they consider significant.

This Moon makes only one aspect and this is a quincunx to Saturn along with the Sun. This means our personal freedom will need to be balanced with our responsibility and restrictions.

Mars sextiles Jupiter at this time, which is generally a positive and freedom-seeking aspect.

Neptune Retrogrades

Neptune turns stationary retrograde at 20 degrees of Pisces June 23 and will remain retrograde until November 29. With Neptune’s retrograde we now have a total of 6 (out of 10) planets retrograde. Things may seem slow at this time, and especially with Neptune’s retrograde now is the time to do any inner work on yourself that is needed.

Neptune is the planet of dreams, creativity, spirituality, illusion, drugs and alcohol, psychics, and dreams to name a few. Neptune’s retrograde will bring about more acute sensitivity on an inner level and we may be able to pick up on those things we don’t perceive when Neptune is direct. We are more likely to be listening to our own inner voice during this time and creativity and psychic or intuitive abilities may be increased.

If transiting Neptune aspects a personal planet in your chart, it is during this period we tend to become self-deluding, depressed, or overly idealistic. Others may deceive us as well. It is important to be as grounded as possible during these times if you are experiencing a Neptune transit, especially a harsh one. If this is the case your feet need to be planted on firm soil.

Hard Neptune transits often coincide with over-idealized relationships or relationships with those who are really not available for a variety of reasons. We may feel we have met our soul mate or the most perfect partner in the world to wake up and find things were not as we had believed, or been led to believe which leads to discouragement, depression, and disenchantment. Often when Neptune retrogrades we find out that our dreams are not based on reality and this generally occurs during the retrograde of a harsh transit in our charts. This can not only affect relationships but many other areas of our lives depending on what area of the chart Neptune is transiting. Neptune is generally retrograde six months out of every year.

Venus Turns Direct

June 25, the planet ruling love, beauty and money turns direct after a 6-week retrograde. Have you enjoyed your trip down memory lane? Retrograde Venus is particularly associated with the past and those from the past. If you have been experiencing concerns about your relationship, this retrograde should have been a time of getting to the bottom of issues and making a decision as to where you go from here. Unfortunately, Mercury’s retrograde may confuse issues a little longer, but you should have a great deal of clarity after July 12, when Mercury also turns direct. If Venus turns direct in your personal chart while making a positive aspect you can expect some type of good news or positivity to come to light at this time, or you could meet a significant other.

Jupiter Conjuncts Pluto

Jupiter conjuncts Pluto for the second time this year, and the transit is exact June 30, but the effects will be felt as we approach this transit and in the weeks afterward. The first Jupiter-Pluto conjunction was late March into early May and we will experience a third such transit in November. This affects us on a collective level and at this time it is likely we will see an increase in the spread of Covid-19 and death rates increase again. At the time of this post, the numbers in 17 states are trending upward based on published reports. Pluto rules death and regeneration and Jupiter expands whatever it touches. We can also see an increase in conspiracy theories, fanatical thinking (and acting), and issues concerning politics and finances, or exploitive financial practices.

On a personal level, this aspect can be used for efforts at moral self-improvement, personal rejuvenation and spiritual insights as well as leadership abilities. You may be dealing with corporate or joint finances, tax or legal affairs, and have a desire to reform something to fit your needs.

The Planet of Action Enters Aries

The planet of ego and action leaves Pisces and enters Aries on June 27, where it will remain for the rest of the year. Mars typically spends about a month and a half in each sign but this year Mars retrogrades September 8 and will remain retrograde until November 14, when it turns direct halfway through the sign or at 14 degrees of Aries.

Mars in Aries is very powerful as this is its natural placement. During this time we are prone more toward anger and aggressive behavior, especially after it’s retrograde. Mars rules men, desire, sex, action and ego, guns, police, and bad behavior in general. Many will feel little need for patience during these months, even though patience and consideration of others will be a much-needed commodity and exactly what we do need.

Our actions will become more straightforward and direct, and many may want to make up for lost time.

Over the next six months, Mars will clash with all of the Cardinal planets especially Saturn and Pluto and we will experience some frustrating times when this happens later in the year.

Use the powerful energy of Mars in Aries to accomplish your goals between late June and the end of July when Mars enters its retrograde shadow period. After Mars retrogrades in September, energy will become more difficult to handle and you could experience some type of slowdown.

Mars in Aries works best for fire signs along with Gemini and Aquarius. If you are an Aries, prepare to become very busy over the next few months. This energy will be more difficult for the other Cardinal signs of Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

Other Transits of Interest in June:

June 3: the Sun conjuncts Venus. This is typically positive, upbeat, and a great time for meetings and social contacts.

June 6: the Sun squares Mars. This is prone to irritation, arguments, and accidents. Engage your energy in a positive way and exercise is a positive use of energy.

June 11: the Sun squares Neptune. Things may seem to drag and this is a transit of confusion and low energy. Neptune can represent lies and illusions so check overall important documents carefully or better yet, wait for another day to commit to important matters. Dreams and intuition may be vivid.

June 13: Mars conjuncts Neptune. The energies of Mars and Neptune do not blend well together. This can be a day prone to disappointment, disillusionment, low energy, misunderstandings or lies. Proceed with caution and awareness. You could have an interest in a religious or spiritual matter.

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