Written by Araianna Shantel Tyler
Hailing from the land of 10 thousand lakes, Tasha Schultz, founder and lead designer of Tchotchkes Design Studio, relocated to the Sonoran Desert with her husband, daughter, and greyhounds in tow. Tchotchkes Interior Design Studio offers full-service design and a more modern approach with a service called Designer For A Day (D4D).
Whether you’re a new homeowner trying to incorporate old pieces into your new space or in a home you have been in for years- simply looking for a refresh, this service was designed with you in mind.
Tasha has been told countless times after a D4D meeting is over, “This was EXACTLY what I needed.” D4D is geared towards clients who may know what they like stylistically but aren’t sure how to plan or execute the design.

After meeting with clients and walking through their homes together, she will put together a to-do list so they can complete it as time and budget allow. The interior design industry can be a bit overwhelming, so Tasha is here to help make it approachable, inspiring, and fun.
The CEO, Tasha Schultz, is classically trained, having worked under some of the biggest firms in the Twin Cities but now has transitioned into Arizona’s Market.
For more information on Tchotchkes Design Studio, visit www.TchotchkesDesignStudio.com.