It’s no secret that I have a thing for late 70’s early 80’s TV. Nobody did the spidery mascara, bronze blush and glossy lips like the women of Charlie’s Angels, and let’s not even talk about that hair… there wasn’t a Jr high girl in my class that didn’t attempt the “Farrah” cut. A few years later despite I’m sure, the effort of costume departments on all three networks, there was nary a one who could rival the shoulder pads of the Dynasty era. Sammie Jo (Heather Locklear) was positively indulgent almost an evil Farrah Jr. I remember years later reading about Heather’s search for the perfect nude/beige lipstick. Being a raven, not flaxen haired girl in the 80’s the thought never occurred to me that I could wear anything else but “brights” Back then any stop at the makeup counter was sure to leave a dark haired girl looking like a deranged clown -aqua shadow, fuchsia cheeks and vermillion lips… now I perish the thought! Fast forward to today, times have certainly changed and no self respecting beauty junkie would be without her own perfect- with –smokey- eyes shade of nude no matter what her shade of Clairol. This fall the catwalks were fairly split between the extremes of Belle du jour –esque creamy nudes at Versace, Roberto Cavalli and Marni and Flash back to Studio 54 reds.

Personally I am ready to channel my inner rock chic a la Chrissie Hines dark eyes and nude lips.
If you’ve never done “nudes’ keep these little rules in mind.
Nude shades show imperfections like chapping; peeling and dryness so always, always start the day by exfoliating your lips prior to lipstick or gloss. I love my Lip Scrub by Sarah Happ – try the cinnamon sugar or cocoa- yum!

If your lips are full skip the lip liner but if you need a bit of extra endowment match your liner as closely as possible to the shade of your lips. Dark liner and light lipstick is so stone age darling.
Jemma Kidd Makeup School lip liner in Nutmeg is a not- too- brown not too pink shade that matches most lip tones.

Unless you have your own personal makeup artist, avoid lip liners that are super light beige they can look too exaggerated and freakishly harsh.
Try Cargo reverse lip liner, it makes lips look full and pouty without the noticeable line.

The lighter the lipstick shade the more chalky it will look, to keep things fresh and modern top with a bit of gloss.
Guerlain Kiss Kiss gloss in Beige Secret is a great go-to beige.

For fair skin a hint of pink or peach keeps your complexion from looking too sallow like Nars Blonde Venus

For Medium skin tones Bobbi Brown Uber Beige is delish

For dark complexions Kevyn Aucoin Rouge Hommage in Goldeneye lend a little oomph without looking boring.

These shots are amazing and would this play well at the Heart Ball or super high society events? I love the look so much just wanted to be proper?
Does nude color make your lips look bigger?
Remember dark recedes and light brings forth… so yes, a nude lips done correctly ( and with gloss) can make lips look fuller.
I might have to try that lip scrub. I bet it makes lips really soft and plus, it comes in such pretty packaging!
i tried doing nude lips once. my brother said it looked like i just ate a box of powder doughnuts.
Well Ms Deb, nude lips tips to the rescue….choose a darker shade of beige and remember to exfoliate…we don’t want anyone accusing you of gluttony!
I have been sporting a really light pink shade lately, I had never worn anything but chapstick on my lips until lately, I really like the way lighter shades look, so happy about this article!
Yes, i love this look.