Lapka Plug-in Tests if Your Food is Really Organic

The words “organic,” “natural,” and “all-natural” seem to almost be as much of a fashion statement as doing your health good by eating the right things. Even with blatant labels on the cover, how can you tell if the food products you buy are completely chemical free?

As we’ve seen, the demand for organic products is slowly outpacing supply, causing a strain on big-name brands to stay organic (pun intended) within the growing $30 billion a year “organics” industry, not to mention food that has not been properly treated and tested for synthetic pesticides and fertilizers.

Here enters the iPhone accessory and app Lapka, deemed a “personal environment monitor.”

The organic detector plug-in is designed to look for significant quantities of nitrates in raw foods and drinking water in order to detect residues of synthetic fertilizers. It reveals a product’s “organicity,” which is how “organic” a food really is. The plastic and wood sensors plug into your iPhone’s headphone jack. The device pokes a piece of food with a steel probe to check the nitrate concentration, a chemical component commonly used in fertilizers that are non-organic in nature, thus relaying the food’s real “organicity.”

The accompanying app will then collect snapshots from your phone of particle or food read outs to keep in a diary or share with others.

Here are the other plug-ins included with Lapka:
1. Radiation
It will reveal highly accurate information about radioactivity near you, where each particle is counted and visualized, and explain in detail how it might affect you.

2. EMF
Detects electromagnetic fields which can be caused by electronic hardware, telecommunications transmitters or power lines. For instance, it could identify a spot at home with the least electromagnetic pollution.

3. Humidity
It combines both the temperature and humidity level of your environment to help you find the perfect comfort level.

Lapka expects to release the device in December at a price of $220.

Do you think this app will revolutionize grocery providers and the way we shop?

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