With National Relaxation Day coming up on August 15, it’s time to slow down, unwind and treat yourself to some self-care! Whether it’s your hectic work schedule or the stress of getting your kids into the new school year, it’s important that we all take some time to recuperate and rejuvenate our tired minds and bodies to prevent any health risks. Below are five ways to reduce stress on National Relaxation Day.
Traditional Acupuncture
Although it’s a blissful spa-like experience, traditional acupuncture actually has more benefits than just relaxation. Acupuncture is a natural alternative that helps treat the root of any injuries or internal problems. Traditional acupuncture has the ability to reduce inflammation, decrease pain and promote re-oxygenation of the tissues. While fixing internal conditions, traditional acupuncture also improves your psychological well-being. As needles are inserted into various acupuncture points throughout the body, you will immediately experience relief – feeling restored and anxiety and stress free.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Research has shown that stress can contribute to premature wrinkles. A natural and relaxing way to reduce stress and improve your appearance is cosmetic acupuncture. This method, a much safer alternative to surgery or botox, is an extension of traditional acupuncture. Cosmetic acupuncture naturally rejuvenates the skin to make it look younger, smoother, and healthier. The treatment differs from other injection procedures as it addresses more than signs of aging, but the skin and body’s overall health. It’s also the perfect way to find some relaxation during your busy day.
Practiced as few as 10 minutes per day, meditation can control your anxiety and improve cardiovascular health. Ultimately, meditation helps you achieve a greater capacity for relaxation. Meditation is designed to elicit the opposite of the “fight or flight” response, which allows us to deeply breathe and reduce stress. By sitting quietly with your eyes closed for 10 to 20 minutes in a quiet place, free of distractions, you will be able to relax your muscles and find your much needed inner peace.
A mind-body practice that’s considered one of the best integrative health approaches, yoga helps you fight stress and find serenity. By combining physical poses, controlled breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques, yoga helps increase your blood circulation and lower your blood pressure. Yoga has the potential to reduce stress, improve flexibility, and manage certain chronic conditions. If anxiety is getting the best of you and you’re having trouble relaxing, hitting the mat and practicing yoga is the activity for you.
Also based on Chinese Medicine principals, cupping is another therapy that can promote relaxation. By placing cups strategically on your back, a therapist can stimulate the relaxation of tight muscles and promote natural detoxification processes. Relaxing and detoxing the body can have a tremendous positive impact on mood and well-being.
About Modern Acupuncture
Modern Acupuncture’s mission is to make your life better. Our goal is to demystify acupuncture and educate the public about the many benefits it has to offer. The practice is a natural, non-invasive method of treatment that has often been used in lieu of synthetic medications and surgical procedures. To find out more about Modern Acupuncture, and determine if it is right for you, visit our website at www.modernacupuncture.com or visit one of the Valley locations either in North Scottsdale, Arcadia, Glendale or Mesa.