Decorate Your Apartment With Inexpensive Out of the Box Ideas


It’s possible to have a unique and totally adorable apartment without breaking you bank.  You can make super chic and inexpensive decorations for anywhere in your apartment with a few out of the box ideas.  If you are looking for some inspiration for adorable and chic ways to spice up your living quarters, look no further!

Featured below are five adorable and inexpensive ways to make your apartment a little bit cooler.

1. Shadow Box for Wine Corks


A wine shadow box is the perfect way to use the wine corks you would normally just throw away.  A wine-shadow box is the perfect way to decorate your wall in an adorable way with hardly any cost.  A shadow box can even bed made! Some decorate their shadow box with little words like “Keep Calm And Drink Wine.”

2. Wine Bottle Jewelry Holder


Recycled wine bottles are a clever way to store bracelets or necklaces.  Rather than throwing out your bottle of wine, you might want to use it as a shelf decoration to hold all your favorite jewelry.

3. Vintage Shutter Picture Holder



A vintage shutter is an overlooked item that can be a cute decoration for your apartment.  The shutter flaps provide the perfect space to squeeze a picture or inspiration quote.  Shutters are the perfect unique way to display your pictures without using a standard bulletin board.

4. Using Wine Bottles as Flower Vases


Yet another way to use leftover wine glasses as decorations, wine glasses make for the perfect vase accessory.   Decorating a recycle a wine bottle to become a new and improved vase is a cute way to give your apartment character.  Not to mention, the handmade creations will be one of a kind!

5. Extra Closet Space With a Bookcase 


If your closet is jam-packed and on the verge of over-flowing, this apartment fixer-upper is just for you!  Things start getting messy when you have nowhere to put them, but with a little help  from a bookcase more storage space can be acquired.  Simply put a few bars in the middle of the shelf, and  you’ll  have a makeshift closet in no time.

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