Bloguettes: Candace V Kim

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Name: Candace V Kim




Age: 26

Title: Director of Operations

Married/Single: Not married, but also not single. I gotta man.

Kids: Not yet! Maybe someday.

City you live in: Phoenix! But I rarely leave my neighborhood (Arcadia), which I know is so bad. I gotta get out there more.

A typical day in my life includes…

I’m usually up around 6am. Occasionally I’ll hit the gym, but sometimes I’ll just hang out at home, chat with my sister on the phone, check emails, putz around on social media, read articles and make breakfast. I have breakfast everyday, I’m definitely not one of those people who can go without it! I’m in the studio around 9am, and will just work there, head out for meetings, or whatever the day has planned for me! The nice thing about working at Bloguettes is that no two days look the same. Sometimes we’re out on a shoot, sometimes we have an event or workshop—and that to me is really refreshing. My house is really close to the office (like 3 minutes close) so when lunch time rolls around, if I’m not out at a meeting or enjoying lunch al desko, I head home for a little break. Then it’s back to the studio to crank out a bit more work! The studio empties out around 5pm, and after work I head home, work on personal projects, have dinner with friends, or run errands. I’m a total grandma so I’m almost always in bed (either on my phone or reading) at 9pm.

I was born

in the wrong decade. I’ve always wanted to experience the 90’s as an adult. Every time I watch Seinfeld I fantasize about living in a world without cell phones and wifi and all that. But then I guess I’d be out of a job, so…

My favorite thing about Arizona

is March. It’s my birth month, and I swear there is no better time and place than Arizona in March.

I’m listening to

the Bloguettes Studio playlist. It’s a ton of pop, with some old school gems thrown in, like Spice Girls and Jay-Z circa 2001.

My family

is funny! We have a group chat that consists solely of pictures of our dog. My mom has insane nicknames for all of us. My sister Facetimes me almost everyday at 6am, and we’ll watch each other get ready for the day and we’ll jokingly narrate our morning routines to one another like we’re beauty YouTubers. We’re all really, really goofy, all the time.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be

my dad. He is the one person who I can talk to for hours and hours and never run out of things to say or get bored with. He’s also my sushi buddy. We always do sushi together.

One thing I cannot live without

the Internet! I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. Going without a wifi connection for even a day stresses me out.

When I was younger, I wanted to be

an astronaut. But then I heard about the twin paradox, and that totally freaked me out. I didn’t want all my friends to grow old without me.

I’m inspired by

people! All of them! I’ll meet someone who possesses a really cool skill, or who recommends a book I’ve never heard of, or is just wearing an outfit that makes me question my entire fashion sense, and it can change my whole perspective in like a second.

The one person who motivates me is

my friend Maycie. She just hustles really hard and is insanely smart. I joke that she proofreads every single one of my emails, but it’s kinda true.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be

are you sure you wanna go there? There’s so much I’d change, especially because I’m kind of a control freak. But I’m practicing how to let go of the stuff that’s out of my control. So I’ll sit this one out.

The perfect day would be

25 hours long and 75 degrees and sunny. Of course, there would be pizza involved somehow.

My first job was

slanging ice cream at Coldstone Creamery. I was 16 and just so freaking pumped to be making my own money. Yes, I sang songs for tips. Whatevs.

My favorite escape

a good book. Haha, is that lame!? I love reading, I try to read for at least 30 minutes before bed and it helps me get out of the real world and into a different state of mind for a while.

My life

is just life. I won’t exaggerate and say it’s ahmaaazing, because sometimes it isn’t and sometimes it is. Ebbs and flows just like everyone else’s. Ya dig?

I’m currently working on

practicing more yoga, meditating (my dad has sent me like, 7 books on meditation in the past month), and just chilling out. I’m naturally pretty high-strung so I just need to COOL IT!


keep jumper cables in your car. Sorry, probably not the sage advice you were seeking, but great advice nonetheless. Seriously, why would you not? They’ve saved me too many times, and it’s always nice to be able to rescue a friend (or stranger) in need.


go to bed with makeup on. It’s horrible! There is no worse guilt in my opinion, than waking up with flaking mascara.

Favorite Quote

my grandma shared this on Facebook the other day and it was like, such a “whoa’”moment for me. “Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.” – E.L. Doctorow

Biggest Dream

go to space! Not as an astronaut, but on a commercial spaceline, like for space tourism. Isn’t Virgin working on that?

My Pet Peeve(s)

bad grammar and bad texters. Just say what you want to say succinctly and smartly, and don’t make me stare at that tiny texting bubble for more than a few seconds.

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