Each week, we’ll be highlighting individual winners from Best of Our Valley 2018, who share their advice, insights and thoughts on what it means to be a part of this exclusive list.
The Best of spotlight is on Danny Raustadt of Bigger Picture Images, who claimed the Valley’s Best Photographer for Commercial, Family/Portraits & Real Estate/Interiors. Congrats, Danny!

AFM: In a brief 2-3 sentences, please tell us a little bit about Bigger Picture Images!
Danny Raustadt (DR): Anyone who visits my website sees I do not focus on just one or two areas of photography or video. I’m an artist with a camera and the freedom to shoot a variety of subjects for a variety of clients. The foundations of my photography and video business are my dedication to, and reputation for, consistently producing high quality results – decade after decade. My strengths are creativity, reliability, versatility, visual marketing expertise, and God-given talent.
AFM: What does it mean to you to be a Best of Our Valley winner?
DR: Winning BOOV awards sets my work apart from the hundreds of Arizona photographers.
AFM: What’s your favorite part about being the Best of Our Valley’s Best Photographer?
DR: I don’t like to brag about myself or my work. This award does it for me!
AFM: Have you seen any benefits as a result of being a BOOV winner?
DR: Being a BOOV winner adds even more credibility to my business… inviting new prospects to take a look at my work.
AFM: How do you put your “best” foot forward every day?
DR: It is easy for me to put my best foot forward every day because I love my work and my clients. Every day is a new adventure.
Interested in participating or want to recommend a business, professional or individual for Best of Our Valley? Best of Our Valley 2019 is now accepting nominations. Click here to find out more!