25 Offbeat New Year’s Resolutions and More

Thank God 2009 is almost over, what with its dismal economic outcome. It goes without saying that we all need things to pick-up in someway in this upcoming year. So New Year’s resolutions, although a fun tradition that usually only lasts for maybe the month of January, are very important and even necessary in 2010.


25 Offbeat New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Learn a new language with Rosetta Stone
  2. Take vitamins every day
  3. Read every book on Oprah’s List
  4. Read the newspaper every day
  5. Join a sports club team
  6. Do not eat any fast food for a year
  7. Learn to make your own favorite sushi roll
  8. Start your own blog
  9. Run a marathon
  10. Use public transportation at least once a week
  11. Cook something new every week
  12. Take more photos
  13. Give yourself a homemade manicure
  14. No TV for a month
  15. Do 100 sit-ups every day
  16. Cut out alcohol for at least a month
  17. Leave the country at least once
  18. Host at least one holiday party
  19. Try a different label wine each week
  20. Volunteer at least once
  21. Create your own work of art each month
  22. Make your own coffee for one year
  23. Clean out your entire house
  24. Get involved with a local charity
  25. Create your 2010 plan for success

For the traditionalists…

10 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. Spend more time with family and friends
  2. Quit Smoking
  3. Lose weight
  4. Get organized
  5. Get out of debt
  6. Help others
  7. Learn something new
  8. Quit drinking
  9. Enjoy life more
  10. Fit in fitness

Since we should all be more eco-friendly, here are few easy ways to start:

  1. Always use paper instead of plastic bags
  2. Add a small recycling bag to your kitchen (You’ll be surprised how much it helps you recycle paper)
  3. Install compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn ou
  4. Use a drying rack to dry small loads of laundry and wash clothes in cold water as much as possible
  5. Don’t drink bottled water, buy a reusable water bottle, preferably aluminum rather than plastic
  6. Ride your bike to work one day a week

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