Vetrazzo’s Sustainable Counter Tops

It is my belief, that choosing the right counter top can make or brake the look of a designer kitchen. Seriously, have you ever looked at a kitchen (whether it be a model home or at the home of a friend) and all the touches are there (i.e. custom cabinets, fantastic appliances) but something about the counter top just doesn’t gel? Selecting the right counter top is not an easy task, it’s not only a large investment, but you also have to live with it for a very long time. Enter, the importance of sustainable yet stylish counter tops.

True to its name, Interior Innovations is constantly looking for new and innovative counter top products to use in their kitchen designs. Which is why Interior Innovations now carries a new line of Vetrazzo environmentally-friendly counter tops, which are made almost entirely from recycled glass. Adding to the excitement of this sustainable custom counter top is the fact that the origins of the glass used in Vetrazzo’s products are traced, so each purchase includes a Certificate of Transformation to let buyers know the story behind their countertop.


Tony Rohlik, president of Interior Innovations, says he’s proud of the new product, which offers both style and sustainability.

“As President of Interior Innovations, I wanted to have an option available for those clients truly interested in ‘green’ products, and to have a unique countertop solution,” he said. “This recycled glass product is said to have a story in every surface.”

While the modern, unique design of each countertop is often what’s attractive to Interior Innovations customers, the company says it’s really all of us who benefit from the sale of these unique counter tops.

”It’s comprised of nearly 85% purposefully selected reclaimed glass. So, instead of these products taking up precious landfill space, they have been re-designated to re-design and beautify your environment,” Rohlik said.

Vetrazzo’s sustainable origins go back near 15 years, long before many other companies were considering how their products and manufacturing could impact the environment. As a result of its dedication to green solutions, the company is members of the United States Green Building Council and the Green Chamber of Commerce, as well as maintaining membership as a Certified Bay Area Green Business.

Vetrazzo is a California-based company that specializes in developing and producing interior designs from recycled glass and other sustainable products.

Interior Innovations is an Arizona-based company that specializes in kitchen accessories like kitchen cabinets, Tucson cabinets, and custom countertops.

For additional information about Vetrazzo countertops or Interior Innovations, visit or

1 comment
  1. dar i wish i had known about this when i was redoing my counters this year. of course i just went with granite, but this is a nice option

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