4 Ways to Build Culture and a Stronger Business in the New Year



Today’s workforce is more dynamic than ever before and “cool” companies are now a dime a dozen. It’s a competitive market, and whether a Gen-Xer, millennial or baby boomer, employees want to feel connected to something deeper beyond a paycheck and benefits. They want purpose in their work, to be driving towards a united vision, and most importantly to be part of a unique culture.

Culture is something that has been around since the beginning of humankind as a way of sharing and upholding a set of values, attitudes, goals, and practices. And it exists whether you’re aware of it or not, and whether created by design or by accident. When culture is purposefully developed upon core values and vision, it motivates, inspires collaboration, develops loyalty, and ignites passion among your team. It also impacts a business’s bottom line. Research has shown companies to outperform their competitors when they have a strong culture that engages employees and customers, aligns with the company’s vision, and adapts to change.

Yet, despite culture being vitally important to the success of a business, many are still missing the mark. But it’s never too late to turn company culture around or realign it, and the New Year is  a prime time to hit the reset button and resolve to build a stronger culture. Here are four ways to build culture in 2017:

Keep in mind, it takes time to truly transform your culture ––it has to be reinforced consistently and over time. Enrolling your employees to create traditions, which are important rites of culture, will connect them to a deeper purpose, instill your core values, and help develop a strong company culture. And when you have a strong culture, that permeates well beyond the office walls ––customers, partners, vendors, and investors can feel it and will be more likely to business with a company they can get behind.

Here’s to a stronger culture and better business in 2017.

Jonathan Sacks is the CEO of PUSH Agency.