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The Best Clothing for Travel


Traveling isn’t always a vacation, it can be physically grueling and emotionally taxing. One of the most pivotal things you should do for yourself whenever you go on a journey is to wear the right clothes. Perhaps the most important thing you can do is pack the right clothing items. It will make all the difference. Whether you’re going somewhere hot or cold, investing in the right things to wear will make...


Five Travel & Flight Tips for Anxiety


The first time I flew as a young boy, I was alone and filled with nervous energy and palm-sweat anxiety. I was terrified. Since then I have taken dozens upon dozens of flights and those anxious feelings have subsided. Whether you’re usually anxious about flights, traveling out of your comfort zone or are nervous about COVID-19, there are a lot of things you can do to mitigate your anxiety when traveling. Below are some tips to deal with these uncomfortable feelings so that your trip is pleasant and enjoyable.


Here’s What to Do on Your Last Day of Vacation


There are few things more exciting than a once-in-a-lifetime vacation. You want to do everything all at once. And if you don’t plan out your time very well, you will end up missing out on a lot of what you went to see and do. The last day of vacation can be a hectic crunch of activity because you realize how much you still have to do and how little time there is left to do it. This is when costly mistakes are made.


Wardrobe Must-Haves for a Stylish Vacation in Phoenix


One of the best places to travel inside of the United States is out west, especially Arizona. With Arizona being so close in proximity to California, travelers manage to get the nightlife and atmosphere of Hollywood, yet still avoiding a lot of the hustle and bustle (and the dreaded traffic!) of Los Angeles. If you’re planning on making a trip to Phoenix, Arizona, make sure you put your best foot forward in terms of fashion! Be the shining star and mirage in the middle of the desert!


How to Safely Travel With Your Pet


Planning a trip isn’t always easy, especially if you’re trying to find a way to bring along the family dog instead of leaving them with a housesitter. Some people have no issues sending their pet to a boarding center or to a day-care, but some absolutely have to have their pet with them (and who can blame them?). If you and your family just cannot go without your beloved Fido, make sure to do your research before setting out on your next adventure.

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