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Protect Wildlife by Preventing Crashes

Guest post by Katie Ellering

According to the Federal Highway Administration Research and Technology, each year in the U.S., an estimated one to two million collisions occur between motor vehicles and large animals. Here are ways you can help protect wildlife, yourself and others.



What is Suboxone and How Does it Help Arizona Residents With Addiction?


In recent years, Arizona has seen a significant rise in addiction cases, particularly those involving opioids. This escalating crisis has necessitated effective treatment solutions, one of which is Suboxone. Suboxone, a medication approved by the FDA, is gaining recognition as a pivotal tool in combating opioid addiction. This article explores the role of Suboxone in treating addiction, particularly in the context of Arizona's unique challenges and needs.


Navigating the Sober Life in Phoenix: A Guide to Thriving Without Alcohol


Embracing a sober lifestyle in Phoenix, Arizona, is a journey of self-discovery and resilience. The city's unique culture, combined with the various challenges of maintaining sobriety in a bustling urban environment, calls for a strategic approach. This guide is tailored to help individuals navigate the sober life in Phoenix, highlighting essential strategies and resources. Whether you're a long-time resident or new to the area, these insights will empower you to thrive in your alcohol-free journey.


Celebrate Safety with Your Pets on New Year’s Eve

Guest post by Kimberly Vermillion of Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA

We can all visualize New Year’s Eve celebrations. The pop of champagne bottles, fun hats, streamers, poppers, and cheers for 2023. But, while humans love a party to ring in the new year, pets are less than thrilled about the excessive noise and fireworks.



Hoping for a Home for the Holidays: Local Shelter Dog Returned 6 Times

Guest post by Kimberly Vermillion of Arizona Animal Welfare League & SPCA


Pet owners know that a furry companion truly can become your best friend. A dog or cat offers rewarding life experiences, unconditional love, and a lifetime of commitment. 

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