Four Essentials for the Perfect Date Night



Though we all live in a society of instant gratification and extreme convenience, these days, it feels like we're pulled in more directions than ever. One area of life that gets affected the quickest by too many responsibilities is our relationships. From friendships that become mainly quick texts and social media interactions to less time to spend with your partner, it's becoming harder to find time to connect.

If you and your partner are in desperate need of some reconnection, starting to make date nights a part of your weekly routine is essential. Planning a date night can be as simple as carving out three hours to cuddle on the couch, binge Netflix, and eat a pizza, or as detailed as a night out to dinner, a movie, and staying in a luxury hotel.

No matter where you fall on the ideal date spectrum, there are essentials that we all can benefit from to make your date perfect. Please keep reading to find out what they are and why they matter.

Creature Comforts 

If your date night plans involve staying in, setting the tone and mood is essential and easily done through simple creature comforts. From making a playlist curated with songs, you both enjoy and will promote relaxation and reconnection to burning candles and getting the lighting just right. Set up your couch or bedroom to feel like a luxurious getaway with soft blankets, bedding, and pillows. You can spend the hours just talking and cuddling or watching a kung-fu movie - either way, the spark will easily ignite with the right atmosphere. 

Dress To Impress 

Studies have shown that even if you're working from home, it's important for your self-esteem and mental health to still get dressed each day, do your hair and makeup, and do whatever makes you feel put together. When it comes to date night, you want to look your best. Not so much for your partner (but that's a bonus) but for yourself!

When you look good, you feel good, so take time to get your hair blown out, put on a bold lip color, and maybe even buy some black or emerald green lingerie to put you in the mood. The confidence that comes from being polished is the best thing you can wear each day, and all your efforts are a self-esteem and mood boost you might need to forget your daily responsibilities and get into romance mode.

Fun & Whimsy 

Sometimes, things can feel awkward or inorganic when a couple hasn't connected in a while. If you and your partner have gotten to this stage (don't worry, it's totally normal, and you're not alone), it's best to approach your date nights with an attitude of fun and whimsy. Sharing joy is one of the most important things couples can do to make their relationship sustainable. Instead of focusing on romance and the physical aspect of your relationship, set your mind to just having fun together.

Whether that's board games or a walk through your city, just laughing and enjoying one another's company can go a long way to reconnecting. If you're so burnt out you're struggling to get into that mindset, it's worth making a list of conversation topics and things to do on your date. After all, couples that still "date" each other and pursue one another stand the test of time.

Try Something New 

No matter the relationship, parent to child, friend to friend, or partner to partner, people have historically bonded over shared experiences. That's why an essential element to connect on your date night is trying something new. Not every date night needs to be a new experience, but they should be sprinkled into your plans. From painting and wine events to taking a ballroom dancing class, you and your partner will easily have something to discuss as you embark on your new adventures. Happy trails!

Even the most in-sync relationships can benefit from a date night here and there - those relationships probably already prioritize time together. But, if you're like most people and your professional and family obligations have you burning the candle at both ends, you likely need to make time for dates. Make sure your date nights start on the right foot by including the above essentials in your planning. Have fun, you two!