Coffee: Good or Bad?


I love coffee. (In fact I’m at a coffee shop as I write this.) But there have been numerous conflicting reports about whether coffee is good or bad for you. Some have to do with the effects of caffeine, and some with coffee itself. So, let’s start with the basics:


The Physiology of Caffeine

Your brain is a big bundle of nerves. When nerves fire, they communicate with each other using chemicals called neurotransmitters (some of which are stimulating and some of which are calming), and they leave behind a byproduct called adenosine.

Like the neurotransmitters, adenosine fits into specific receptors in your brain, like a lock and key. When those receptors get too full, your brain says, hey, you’ve been awake too long. Time to go to sleep.

But caffeine is sneaky. It looks like adenosine, but it isn’t - so it fits into the receptors, but it doesn’t activate them. That means the adenosine build-up doesn’t trigger exhaustion, and the stimulating neurotransmitters (like adrenaline) that were already present can run amok.

The “Plus” Side of Caffeine:

The “Minus” Side of Caffeine:

The Plus Side of Coffee (all caffeine aside)

So given all that, what’s my conclusion? Everything in moderation. (Well, maybe not everything, but you get the idea.) Don’t overdo it, and don’t overdo the sugar in your coffee (and perhaps if you have trouble with insomnia or hypertension, you might want to skip it altogether).

That said... my French press dark roast makes my morning, I’m not gonna lie.

For more on this topic, see here:

Dr Lauren Deville is board-certified to practice Naturopathic Medicine. To receive her free e-book, “Ten Nutritional Supplements Everyone Should Have,” or to receive her monthly health and wellness newsletter, please sign up at