AZ Insider: Political Play Date Event Raises Museum Funds


Kathy Shayna Shocket has the stories on people who make a difference.

 phoenix childrens museum group

Check out this adult bipartisan event at the  Children's Museum of Phoenix.

What a unique way to bring together politicians on both sides of the aisle and raise funds at the same time! Yes, the  Children’s Museum of Phoenix hosted over 80 adults for  a play date - among them Arizona legislators and their teams. (PIctured above are Rep. JD Mesnard and his team.)

 Members of the state senate, house and Governor’s office turned out to play on a team or cheer on their friends in a series of fun filled team challenges. And as seen here below in the noodle forest - they let the games begin!

Noodle Forest

Among those reconnecting with the rules of the playground were Councilwoman Kate Gallego (D), Congressman Ruben Gallego (D), Minority Whip Dr. Eric Meyer (D), Representative Jonathan Larkin (D), Representative Jay Lawrence (R), Senator Sylvia Allen (R), Senator Jeff Dial (R), Senator Nancy Barto (R) and  Representative J.D. Mesnard (R)

Sponsorship support of this fundraising event will have a direct impact in supporting the museum's critical services, which provides for kids with opportunities to learn through play.

museum Kate Wells Rep Deigo Espinoza Rep Juan Jose Mendez Fotor

Pictured above at this year's event are Museum CEO Kate Wells, Rep Diego Espinosa,  and Rep Juan Jose MendezAt last year's event, as a first time fundraiser it helped raise over $30,000, ninety eight percent of which went directly towards museum programs and services. Helping again, to make the Phoenix Children's Museum become one of the top 10 children's museums in the country. 

museum play date

Pictured above top is Congressman Ruben Gallego, bottom left Minority Leader Eric Meyer, and bottom right, Phoenix Vice Mayor Kate Gallego and their teams.

 During the fundraiser members of the state legislature and Governor’s Office and event sponsors teamed up for challenges such as  Building Bridges, Bike Races, Imagination Station, Market Mayhem, 5K and Play Relay and Race to the Rocket ----- all utilizing the museum's exhibit spaces within the  over 48,000 square foot building and 300 play experiences.

Congratulations to the museum on this second annual legislative play date.

kathy shayna shocket

Kathy Shayna Shocket is a freelance Writer and TV -Field Producer based in Phoenix, AZ. The former TV Reporter has written for publications such as TIME Magazine, Money Magazine, PEOPLE Magazine,The Hollywood Reporter and The NEW YORK TIMES. You can reach her at   This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it