28 Days of Cancer Prevention



Day 1: Move more! Current research shows that being physically active can reduce your risk of certain types of cancer.

Day 2: Avoid sugary beverages. The American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) recommends avoiding sugary drinks for cancer prevention.

Day 3: Stay tobacco free. Research proves that not smoking or quitting smoking lowers the risk of getting cancer and dying from cancer. 

Day 4: Apply sunscreen daily to all skin exposed to the sun. Sunscreen should be broad spectrum and SPF 30 or more. 

Day 5: Fill 2/3 of your plate with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and beans. A plant-based plate helps reduce your risk of cancer.

Day 6: Get active with your children! Research suggests an adolescent who exercises regularly has a reduced risk of cancer in adulthood. 

Day 7: Know your cancer screening recommendations. Discuss with your physician current screening recommendations for your age and family history. 

Day 8: Spice it up! Adding different flavors to your dishes can make them more interesting and possibly help fight off cancer!

Day 9: Get creative! Sneak fruits and vegetables into your meals.

Day 10:  Lose weight. It is estimated that 20 percent of all cancers are caused by excess weight.  

Day 11:  Go green. Dark green leafy vegetables are a must in a cancer preventative diet.

Day 12: Have fun. Pick an activity you enjoy and you are more likely to stick to a regular activity routine.

Day 13: Try flaxseed. Flaxseed is packed with fiber, a component that protects against colorectal cancer.

Day 14: Protect your lips! Don’t forget to cover up for lips from the sun. Excess exposure to sunlight may increase your risk of lip cancer. 

Day 15: Stop using tobacco products. All forms of tobacco including cigarettes, cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco increase your risk of oral cancer.

Day 16: Pump some iron. Research suggests lifting weights may reduce cancer risk by regulating hormones and reducing body fat. 

Day 17: Add fresh garlic to your meals! Garlic is a rich source of organosulfur compounds, which may help prevent cancer.

Day 18: Ditch the car! Walking or riding a bike to get from place to place may help dramatically reduce your risk of cancer!

Day 19: Know your family tree. Some types of cancer have a genetic link and screening guidelines may begin sooner to decrease your risk cancer.

Day 20: Try spice and flavoring combinations from around the world and benefit from their cancer-fighting power!

Day 21: Limit consumption of red meats and avoid processed meats. To reduce your cancer risk, eat less than 18 oz. of red meat per week.

Day 22: Decrease alcoholic drinks. Experts recommend limiting alcoholic beverages to two daily for men and one for women to decrease your risk of cancer.  

Day 23: Spend more time moving around to prevent cancer! Spend less time sitting and more time walking or doing activities to reduce premature death.

Day 24: Hide the saltshaker. Researchers have shown that salt and salt-preserved foods may increase the chance of developing stomach cancer. 

Day 25: Be held accountable! Exercise with a friend or a group of peers who encourage you to move.

Day 26: Aim for at least five fruits and vegetables of varying color every day.

Day 27: Practice body self-awareness. Notice breast changes, skin/mole changes, etc. and consult your physician.

Day 28: Make cancer prevention a family affair. Incorporate a whole food, plant-based diet with plenty of physical activity into your family lifestyle.