Not-So-Clean Cleaning Products


The bad news: We live in a toxic world. There are all kinds of nasty foreign substances all around us, from heavy metals to plastics (otherwise known as phthalates) to pesticides, solvents, molds, and other fat- and water-soluble chemicals. It isn’t really possible to avoid toxins completely unless you want to pick up and move to some unindustrialized part of the world... and even then there’s no guarantees.



The question isn’t whether we are toxic - we all are, to some extent. The question is whether the toxins we’ve accumulated contribute to our health problems or not. Some people are more susceptible than others, based on how efficiently their livers and kidneys can neutralize and excrete toxins. But whether your organs of elimination are awesome or not, it’s a good idea to avoid exposure as much as possible.

The good news: yes, the world is toxic, but you’re not completely powerless. A little bit of education can go a long way. In this article, I focus on cleaning products - one source of chemical exposure over which we do have some control.

Tips for Choosing Cleaning Products:

So what do you use instead? There are a number of green cleaning products available, although you should read those labels as well and subject them to the rules above as well, since some so-called green products are not as harmless as they claim. But here’s a few other easy household tricks:

But again, I must stress that it’s not possible to completely avoid all harmful substances, and it’s very possible to become obsessed with the attempt. That’s not healthy either. My advice? Be educated, be wise, but try not to be fearful. Do what you can do, and let the rest go.

Want a list of more specific chemicals to avoid? Here’s a great resource:

Dr Lauren Deville is board-certified to practice Naturopathic Medicine. To receive her free e-book, “Ten Nutritional Supplements Everyone Should Have,” or to receive her monthly health and wellness newsletter, please sign up at