Dr. Marc Malek: Best Tummy Tuck in Scottsdale for Flat Abs Fast


All the crunches in the world won’t achieve washboard abs. The midsection can be one of the most difficult and stubborn areas of the body to tone and shed fat from. 


Achieving a flat tummy that’s bikini and crop top ready is realistic and attainable with a little help. An abdominoplasty, also known as a tummy tuck, is a popular and rewarding cosmetic surgical procedure that removes excess belly fat and skin, while restoring weakened abdominal muscles to create a smooth and firm midsection. 

Thankfully, one of the best plastic surgeons and experts in abdominoplasty calls Scottsdale home. As a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Marc Malek has been practicing for more than 12 years in the Valley of the Sun. Dr. Malek and his team at Dr. Marc Malek Plastic Surgery follows the motto, “In Every Body there is a Work of Art.” As a top plastic surgeon, Dr. Malek works with each patient to achieve enhanced results that complement his or her natural features.

Dr. Malek offers two different types of tummy tucks – a full tuck and a mini tuck – depending on a patient’s unique needs and desires. 

A full tummy tuck addresses the entire abdominal area, and requires multiple incisions, including one around the belly button. Dr. Malek not only removes loose tissue, but also plicates both midline and oblique abdominal wall muscles, restoring a tapered waistline that years of exercise will not produce. Results are dramatic and noticeable throughout the stomach area.

Meanwhile, a mini tummy tuck is recommended for those whose “trouble area” is much smaller and limited to the lower abdominals above the public area. Focusing on the skin and the abdominal wall, this procedure is less invasive and sometimes only requires one incision along the bikini line. 


Dr. Marc Malek

The recovery period after an abdominoplasty is about a month. Patients can expect to be on bed rest for the first three to four days and walk in a bent-over position for about seven days post-op. After four weeks, patients are ready to throw on those swimsuits and crop tops and flaunt their flat and smooth stomach with confidence.  

Dr. Malek’s main priority is his patients’ satisfaction and comfort. He recommends scheduling a consultation at his Scottsdale clinic to discuss the details of the procedure and necessary preparation to find out if you are a good candidate for a tummy tuck. 

For more information or to schedule a consultation, please visit www.marcmalekmd.com or call 480-551-2040.